

I had a weird dream that my boyfriend and I were trying to sell truffles to the chef at an Italian restaurant and Ed Sheeran was there on a date and I asked for his autograph but then he started flirting with me and I had to be like "dude I'm a fan but that is uncool to do in front of your date" and then his date was

My entire soul is flipping the fuck out right now.


tbh I feel like asexuality is comparable to Aspergers' or something in terms of treatment by society, in the sense that it's an unusual thing about some people's minds that can look like a disadvantage from the outside, but is actually a totally-just-fine identity that should be embraced and accepted. Like queer

bro they literally did not use the word colour at all in that comment.

In that case I have zero reservations, and I will keep this new information as a little heartwarming factoid about family traditions in cultures other than mine :) I dig it.

Eh as someone who's never had smoked pork, I can kinda get behind the ham pork guy's motivation. Especially since he wasn't being rude or entitled, he was just trying to make sure he ordered something he liked. I mean smoked is often code for "smoked but also cured and seasoned and salted in a specific way".

Eh as someone who's never had smoked pork, I can kinda get behind the ham pork guy's motivation. Especially since he wasn't being rude or entitled, he was just trying to make sure he ordered something he liked. I mean smoked is often code for "smoked but also cured and seasoned and salted in a specific way".

Do you think this might have something to do with the fact that Muslims largely come from the Middle East, which has suffered from recent history to the extent that there are very few stable governments and even fewer organized police forces in the region? Religious extremism is the way to control a people when

That's only because the USA has a hella stable government and law enforcement system though. If we were being invaded every other Tuesday by imperialist assholes and had no government to speak of, they would be doing the exact same shit.

Forgetting for a sec that we're discussing it in the context of ISIL who are batfuck crazy and evil - that is actually extremely cute. The fact that it's only for sons is kinda :/ , but I like the idea of a generation-reversal of "so-and-so-junior". If I were a mother I'd be pretty chuffed to have an alternate name

Now playing

If I were to be generous, I might say he was referring to this somewhat-famous hoax and the dry humor sounded like he was being serious. Because I do stuff like that all the time. But probably not and I mostly just want an excuse to post this delightful, delightful video:

Oh my god "an herb"

I think our problem is that I'm using "antagonist" and "villain" interchangeably, and you aren't. In terms of behavior she doesn't really fit in with the lineup of Disney Villains (tm), she's too sympathetic - but nor does she fit in with the princess lineup either. Unless there's another Disney Princess that almost

But... we don't care about being evolutionarily defective anymore because we don't have to? I mean for chrissakes WHITE PEOPLE are evolutionarily defective. We weren't supposed to be able to move to cloudy places, but once we figured out clothes and fire and shit we did, melanin content became less of a

Well she's not the villain in the sense that you're not supposed to like her, but she's definitely the villain in a plot sense. She causes the problems that have to be undone by the hero.

Amber Rose and Iggy Azalea have the same sexy smirk. I dislike Iggy and feel neutral about Amber, but that smirk is a very very sexy smirk.

On the plus side Elsa is the only character ever to fall in the venn diagram overlap between "Disney Villain" and "Disney Princess", so that's pretty cool.

This is giving me life rn