
The thing about Wesleyan (and I'm applying to transfer there/my boyfriend graduated from there, so I've acquired a fair bit of knowledge about the campus culture) is that it's such a wacky liberal arts college environment that your stereotypical high school social hierarchy kinda happens in reverse. It's the most cool

To further complicate things, Wesleyan already has co-ed "fraternities". I'm applying to transfer there and I totally want to join the music-themed one.

So funny story, I'm applying to transfer to Wesleyan and I was interviewed on Tuesday by a senior DKE bro. That's how I learned about this issue slightly before it was publicized (ha ain't I in the loop and such). My boyfriend, who graduated from Wesleyan, swears that DKE wasn't responsible for a most of the

Honestly I kinda like it... or at least, I give it a pass because 70s fashion is all equally nuts to me and I was born in '95.

Is that possible? I would actually really love to do this but I don't know how to set up a petition of that nature. Any savvy Jez commentors want to weigh in?

So are you saying you don't enjoy sugar, salt, and orgasms? Do you know more people who are afraid of heights than who are afraid of bunnies? Do you find toddlers cute? We're animals, and we want certain things and avoid others based on what gave us the best chance of surviving before modern life swept in and gave e

"And I don't buy the evo-psych bullshit that 50% of fathers can't help but want to rape their daughters because new buzzword GSA."

Okay, a couple of things. First of all, I respect your vegetarianism even though I haven't made the same decision - I think that's a very honourable thing to do and it does tell me that you're sensitive to the safety of other beings. I think it's really legit and in part I defer to your moral sensitivity, which is

Well, I think I would be bothered if someone fucked my dog, but that would be more out of my proprietary feelings about the dog - I own the dog and you need my consent to perform sex acts on my property. I'd feel the same way if someone fucked my living room sofa. However as far as the dog's well-being as a

Huh... you could be a rarity or I could be mistaken. As far as ethnic groups go I am actually a pretty low percentage of what most people think of as Scandinavian people. I'm Germanic Scandinavian (specifically Swedish) plus the triple whammy of historically unwanted European ethnic minorities - Celtic, Jewish, and

That is an incredibly specifically descriptive gif.

Scandinavians also are rarely lactose intolerant!

But you can wear swimsuits in public, and I'm assuming she's wearing underwear under those see-through pants, so really this doesn't violate any nudity laws.

Aaaaand the phrase "fashion police" just got a LOT more literal than I ever expected.

"even if it doesn't make sense to give (and note it would be us giving it to them) nonhumans the same kind of rights humans have, they are still caught up in a system of our making"

This piece is amazing and I laughed out loud. I have seasonal depression so laughing out loud in February is kind of a blessing. Props to you.

I think it's just that they look the same in that selfie, but that still isn't a good enough reason for the headline imo

If you're a vegan then I completely understand your outrage, (although I will say that horses aren't particularly intelligent relative to other animals we eat - pigs are definitely smarter than horses, and if you live in some parts of the US and eat crow, well crows are smarter than just about any other non-human

Okay, dear white USA hipsters, I have a bone to pick with you guys about this one. So I've got a baby brother called Harald, and that's HarAld thank you very much... because we're Swedish. And that is the real spelling in Sweden.

Okay, so the biggest problem is that there is this person for whom sex doesn't include an adequate definition of consent, which is disturbing in and of itself. I can get behind that