
I guess meat eating is really important to some cultures, whereas this just seems "unnecessary". That could explain the discrepancy. But I'm sure any quasi-sentient animal would choose this over being eaten in a heartbeat. And all this being said, I'm about to head out to buy some sausage for dinner so I'm no vegan

Yeah, that 'trauma' myth and the stigma from it are is so so real - as a bisexual I can definitely first-hand empathize with that. Thanks for sharing that anecdote.

Wait wait wait but the entire meat industry exists. If this is rape then all non-PETA members are complicit in (or at least accepting of) murder. The comparisons to pedophilia seem whack to me because we don't eat children. Like I'm not mad or trying to start a confrontation, but I'm genuinely baffled by this and

Wait but we eat animals. If we're applying the same standards here that we hold ourselves to with our treatment of other humans, that makes just about everyone complicit to murder. I understand if you're a hard core PETA style vegan and I respect your moral consistence, but if you're not then could you explain this

What I don't understand about the outrage in this comments section is that we eat animals. We literally raise non-human animals for the specific purpose of killing them and then eating them. Maybe we don't kill and eat animals as intelligent as dolphins, but I'd say pigs aren't awfully far behind, and for anyone

I don't think that's fair to draw from this. He just meant [category of individuals to whom he can be attracted] don't all sexually arouse him. He can be heterosexual with a preference for blondes or women who tell witty jokes, and that doesn't make him more or less heterosexual. I have no comment on the morality

Depends - are we talking about the white stuff in a squeezy bottle or homemade with fresh egg yolks?

Idea: sitcom where a fetus IS an attourney.


Thanks! Good to know.

Yes, all extremely sound points, and I admit I was deliberately being a little obtuse to make a point of my own - that he's highlighting a much more real issue which he doesn't even realize he's just pointed out with this statement. As I said to colorfulyawn, the irony would make great satire but in real life it's

"I wouldn't say he "has a point" so much as he's missing a much larger one."

I could also imagine wanting to keep all my grief in one place so that it doesn't spill out into the entire year. Either way, the similar circumstances of their deaths will mean that the family grieves both on each death anniversary. Maybe it's immoral, but on an emotional level I would understand that as a

Yeah I hate to say it but he almost has a point about this. Rape IS a bigger deal when there's oppressive religious baggage on top of the emotional baggage. Not that Americans aren't perfectly capable of producing their own oppressive religious beliefs, but it seems pretty logical that I'd much rather be raped in a

So wait - do these modesty laws (for lack of a better term) only apply to the ethnic majority? Or is it that they only apply to legal citizens? I'm curious and there's a bit of a difference.


Question for anyone with law experience: Why are women's colleges (or boys' schools/girls' schools for younger students) legal? Are you really allowed to deny people something based purely on gender?

I'm in the middle of a year off. Used that time to record this!! (Still in proud-of-myself mode)

I went to a fucking paradise of a special-needs-inclusive, progressive ed, super small school in a forest from the ages of eight to fourteen. Then I got a scholarship (no humblebrag, just explaining why I made the kinda unlikely decision to go there) to a really super preppy and uppity private high school where all

The thing about due process in rape cases that I think a lot of people miss is that when we can't trust the process of rape investigations and trials, the court of public opinion becomes the more legitimate court.