
Ugh, stories like that are heartbreaking. Makes me wish there were an atheist version of saying someone is in your "prayers", 'cause for what it's worth I am very earnestly rooting for your cousin's ongoing health right now!

That sounds like the fucking worst and I'm sorry you had to do through that :(

I'd say your comment downthread which includes the mega sarcastic line "We should care so much more about the men attacked by women." illustrates how you're pretty heavily implying that it's pro-woman to have sympathy for this particular woman. The only acceptable response to this story is outrage, and I'm shocked at

Actual (paraphrased) conversation that went down in my house close to Easter, several years ago:

So we're going to have moon colonies for a while and then they'll declare independence and then there will be moon nations. Okay.

Where the flying fuck do I start?

This is apparently also an obstacle to resurrecting extinct species/species on the brink of extinction. We have the technology available to make passenger pigeons with the mitochondrial DNA of some other dove, but apparently they wouldn't "count" as passenger pigeons. Sigh.

Irrelevant derailing sidenote - which makeup artist working for Star Trek came up with that fucking eyeshadow? Iconic, sure, but questionable

It takes a special kind of sexist to object to being treated to dinner and a guarantee of safe sex.

This is far and away the most likes I've ever received on a Jezebel comment btw. Feeling super validated right now.

Ooh, interesting theory. I'd love to see some kind of survey on this, because it does make intuitive sense to me.

It's a real crying shame you can't vaccinate against autism. Not that I would prefer a world without the autistic (a good 50% of my favorite people ever are on the spectrum), but I would really love to see the looks on these people's faces when confronted with that kind of decision.

"I sell monogrammed coffee thermoses"

Thank you for your rational and well-reasoned rebuttal. I am wholly convinced and ready to bomb the shit out of eye-rack. Good evening, madam.

I also didn't call you a racist. What I tried ever so hard to describe - yet you seem to have missed - is that it is simply not true to say that "Islamophobia" in western nations is not informed by racism. Your criticisms of Islam are probably legitimate, at least in part. But not all that claims to criticize Islam

I never said it was. Re-read my comment and please try to follow my logical breadcrumb trail.

All right, I'll bite.

Weird... I don't eat much cilantro. Guess I'll have to get hold of some and do an experiment.

I see. I appreciate the explanation, thank you :)

That all makes sense. Thanks for describing from your perspective.