
I think there must be some kind of chemical in certain fruits that some people react negatively to and some people don't notice. I love coconut water and lychees, but I've met people who described both as tasting of vomit. It's a really strong reaction that totally mystifies me.

Followup question, if you don't mind: Is "transgendered" considered offensive, or just an ugly and hard-to-pronounce use of suffixes? Either is a good enough reason to banish it, but I'm curious and google isn't satisfying me. Thanks, cheers :)


Really?? I thought GMOs caused autism! That vegan mommyblogger lied to me :(

Funny how that happens :)

Honestly my dad bears a weirdly strong resemblance to George Clooney and if anything it's made me baffled that everyone finds G.C. so sexy. He has my dad's face! Dude is seriously no big deal.

My dad has a deformed right hand. It got wrapped up in something in utero, so the pinkie, middle finger, and pointer finger are all curved towards the middle and the ring finger is only an inch long. He has absolutely zero insecurity about it, and is so nonchalant about it that my boyfriend actually shook his hand

I'm here for red sweater/blue jeans girl behind him to the viewer's right at 1:09. Literally my first thought was "I wish you weren't in Texas because I would totally start a girl group with youuuuu!"

I finally snapped and unfriended one guy I knew in high school who liked to whine about "political correctness", affirmative action, and how he'd be down with feminism if they could just call it something gender-neutral. Not even in an intelligent devil's-advocate worthy-rival way (because I do actually keep those in

I don't unfriend people for the same reason I kept every single book I ever bought for a class in high school. Yes, I hated half of them, but you never know when you might need that!!!1

I'm embarrassed to admit that I made it a full 17-18 years before I learned that "colored" was offensive. I never used it, because I knew it was... unfashionable, I guess is the term? I picked up on the fact that other people didn't use it, but I thought it was more akin to calling cars automobiles or something -

I'm embarrassed to admit that I made it a full 17-18 years before I learned that "colored" was offensive. I never used it, because I knew it was... unfashionable, I guess is the term? I picked up on the fact that other people didn't use it, but I thought it was more akin to calling cars automobiles or something -

Oh, how embarrassing... haha in my defense the internet is full of people who are genuinely condescending and rude. No offense taken. Carry on :)

Ahh that makes SO much more sense. I was wondering if a) I had false memories or b) my teacher was some kind of fact ninja

There's no need to be condescending. I was just commenting, not assigning value to anything (well, except the science teacher. She was excellent and I stand by that.)

I definitely recall this BPA = estrogen mimicry = bad for males (of all species) being a semi-major point in an environmental science class I took in high school back in 2011. I don't think this is a new theory. Then again, my environmental science teacher was AMAZING and always had the scoop for us, so I wouldn't be

I'm a halfway decent songwriter and can confirm that Train lyrics are objectively rage-inducing and cringey

She's complaining because she got aggressively, gloatingly pessimistic unsolicited comments from everyone in her life (plus a whole bunch of strangers) for nine months and she's finally been able to show them what for. Isn't it generally the Official Feminist Stance that people don't have the right to make others

Bless. I can't believe how far I had to scroll into the comments section to find even one comment like this. I am having the piss off, Jezebel feeling that I sometimes have.

^ This. I'm 19 and pretty confident about my maturity and my ability to exercise agency, but I still think this is pretty sketch.