
I was a weird little Spock baby who only cared about facts, and I knew all about what mating was in animals... but thought the human equivalent was marriage.

I was expecting a Yes Men type stunt where Funny or Die took credit for the video and "apologized" to put pressure on the original creators. This isn't quite as clever but I'll take it.

Johnlock is an excellent ship with a terrible fandom.


Good thing Sherlock Holmes is somehow infinitely more attractive than Brady Bunch Panty Snatch, so I don't need to concern myself with the actor existing in real life at all :P

I... don't actually see the big problem with the food-from-home people? Obviously their reaction when turned down was immature, but the initial request doesn't seem totally unreasonable to me. Restaurant atmosphere can be lovely in and of itself, and food allergies are a thing that can bar you from the experience

I was homeschooled for half a year because I had an abusive first grade teacher, then I turned out to have severe ADD, and my parents were trying to figure out where the hell else to send me/if they could afford a special-ed-inclusive private school. Also my mother is a teacher by trade. I know I was a pretty

Yeah, I'm pretty sure he typed this while smoking a ton of weed with his buddies and concocting the "hilarious" joke with much background approval. Still inappropriate since she's clearly uncomfortable, but I don't think he means this shit.

true story: The GSA at my high school once sold "gay agendas" as a fundraiser on homecoming day. You know, to help plan out your week's homework.

Eh I know some female-bodied genderqueer ppl who refer to themselves as "females" because it's comfortingly distancing. I know, totally not what this guy is going for. But that is a real identity #PCpolice #sorryihadto

He's more likely to have done it than any of the other suspects, but he shouldn't be in jail.

Yeah, there's no doubt that there has to be something a little off about these kids to make them want to commit murder, but I'd at least interview a couple other students about this woman's teaching habits...

Ideal scenario: Zimmerman shoots one of the cops who got away with murder this year. Bad cop is dead, Zimmerman actually goes to jail.

Speaking as a young lass of nineteen, I can unequivocally say that I would have fucking loved this.

Even better(?) is when they so some diagnostic tests and look at your results, and then call other doctors into the room like "hey check it out, this diagnosis is interesting."

I came to comment something similar! I used to know a guy who thought he couldn't orgasm from sex at all, and then tried magnums. Fixed the problem immediately.


Okay, this is definitely going to be TMI, but I used to have a fwb relationship with a really tall guy who had a proportionally big dick. He claimed he couldn't orgasm from sex. I'm like, "aw are you sure?/watch me try" but no - dude literally never came. He's like, "eh don't worry about it/if I just wanted to come I

Okay, this is definitely going to be TMI, but I used to have a fwb relationship with a really tall guy who had a proportionally big dick. He claimed he couldn't orgasm from sex. I'm like, "aw are you sure?/watch me try" but no - dude literally never came. He's like, "eh don't worry about it/if I just wanted to come

You are completely correct, that is what a humanist is. Humanism was a really important historic intellectual movement that (to oversimplify in a way that will make my high school history teacher hate me) sort of sparked the Renaissance. In that sense of the word, I emphatically consider myself to be a humanist.