You linked to a piece about a private school.
You linked to a piece about a private school.
Charter schools piss me off and this bullshit is just one reason. I’m all for providing alternative methods of instruction, some kids don’t flourish under the standard model, but the should all be under the school board.
I suspect all these people smoke. Add in dieting and tanning, and it’s pretty hard on the skin.
I hate the top of her dress (though I like the lace) and assume it will look uber dated/trendy down the road.
I think it’s because they’re all so skinny? Subcutaneous fat is one of the first things to go as we age, and with 3% body fat, there’s nothing there to plump up their skin. My understanding is that this is why so many mega rich and rail thin women in LA have fillers out the wazoo.
Me, I’m partial to someone with a keen understanding of how our government functions and prior experience, but I’ve always been an odd duck.
I call it the Matt Damon Effect. It’s super easy to rant, rage, and protest against discrimination. Bonus if your antics get you more fans, headlines, and viral videos. Bigger bonus if those things happen during awards season or your latest movie opening.
I didn’t read this but I think, as a Canadian, I agree with this rather than the original. But it would be nice to see a little more coverage because NHL playoff is peak sports imo
I’ve come to hate writers’ estates and think that they should give up control (but not royalties) after the death of the writer. The kids, grandkids, and many lawyers are often far less intelligent and engaged with the arts than the original author and do a lot of harm.
I’ve seen that regarding Matthews a few times. “Haha, an AMERICAN has to save your team!” I didn’t care when it was a (big beautiful awesome bald) Swede who was our main guy, and I don’t care that an American is our #1. JUST WIN IT WHILE I’M STILL YOUNG ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND WHAT’S HAPPENING...
That sucks and I’m glad you got through it—sounds like you’re doing better now? I certainly wouldn’t recommend this as an everyday thing.
Can you read all the way through a short article?!?!
I am so glad that your choices have made you happy and your family healthy - but the attitude of this whole comments section that for having kids in your 30s to be good having kids in your 20s has to be bad I find very frustrating. For you, waiting was great. For others, having kids in their 20s has nothing to do with…
I had one baby in my twenties and one in my thirties and if the toll it takes on your body is the only consideration, oh my gosh, have all your babies in your twenties. It is so much easier. Of course, that’s not the only consideration at all, so I’m glad if these means women have more choices about reproduction.
I wonder how this trend will affect maternal/fetal health outcomes 10-20 yrs down the line... I’d guess an overall net positive for kids, but perhaps a higher incidence of congenital defects or the maternal mortality rate? Hmm...
John Mayer, Jake Gyllenhaal, Tom Huddleston don’t look like adults to you?
Amazing Girl Scouts! But I hear you on feeling old. My ten-year-old niece recently asked me why we say we “hang up” a phone, because it’s just a button. I died a little inside.
Negron’s body was left uncovered in the street for six hours, which Bridgeport Police Chief Armando Perez says was an error in forensics protocol.