
This is very family/social circle dependent. My mother went to family weddings as a child. I didn’t encounter the idea of not inviting children to weddings until I was planning my own.

She’s saying that he was so emotionally abusive that she has PTSD. Emotionally abusing one woman in order to facilitate having sex with other women who you employ and have significant power over... that’s not some one who actually believes in feminism.

Oh no, I understood.

I think William is lazy and Harry gets away with a lot because he’s the more charismatic brother but anyone who suddenly decided this year that Harry is whiney is just trying to enforce the stigmas against talking about therapy and is a raging asshole.

This. I thought having kids of my own would make Fathers’ Day more bearable but it made it worse. My (half) sister and I were just talking about how unfair it is that my dad died before he got to be a grandfather. Meanwhile, her bio dad is alive and well, ignoring his daughters and grandchildren.

No. There definitely isn’t that big a difference in importance or screen time.

That’s how it started but it’s evolved into a true ensemble. At least in part because Kim and Park are such better actors than O’Loughlin and Caan.

The show was conceived with them in supporting rolls but in practice their characters have become just as much leads as Scott Caan’s. Their pay should reflect the reality of the current situation not the situation when the show was conceived.

I suspect the algorithm doesn’t work as well if you have a long public transit commute. But people in the DC area definitely move way out in order to live McMansions 90 minutes from work when they could live in a reasonably sized house/apartment closer in.

Getting 6 weeks paid and then being able to take 6 weeks unpaid under FMLA is usually the best you can hope for from a white collar job at a big company. The only people I know who took more than 3 months and were able to come back to the same job are teachers and that leave was still unpaid.

I cannot currently have coffee and I had not realized how important iced coffee is to my summer.

I went to high school with girls named Kyle and Ryan. They both HATED their names. In tenth grade, Ryan started spelling her name Ryanne in an attempt to look more like girls name.

I am American and I’ve totally done this.

It’s totally creepy but Alias premiered in 2001. Probably no one had a camera with them to takes picture.

Certified Professional midwives are people who call themselves midwives without any medical training. They are not in the same category as CNMs.

The US doesn’t regulate who can call themselves a midwife. A real midwife is called a CNM here but any charlatan can call themselves a midwife.

At this point, it’s less that I hate Crosby and more that I hate Penguins fans. I have never been to Pittsburg, I don’t know anyone from Pittsburg and yet my social media is crawling with bandwagon Pens fans. It’s almost enough to make me root for the concussions.

The historical dolls have always had period appropriate undergarments. The original modern dolls came out in 1995 and had underwear.

My husband and I have three couples we’re close to that are on the cusp of divorce. They are very different couples who all have the same problem: they don’t know how to communicate with each other. A few months of solid therapy (individual and couples) would probably save all 3 relationships.

Mystic Valley doesn’t have a union but MTA has helped the teachers the school tried to fine $6k for quitting.