
I’m also happy about this!

No. Just, no. She’s not being smacked down because she’s a “pretty white girl.” No one here is “jealous.” She’s being smacked down because she was being an abusive piece of shit who violated the privacy of an old woman and got caught. This was no “momentary lapse in judgement.” This was being an entitled asshole with

And no, she does not deign to identify her by name.

Yes, I agree, this millionaire is setting up a strawman argument. He provides no evidence that the people who have trouble affording houses are actually spending their money on toast, vacations, etc.

Lol, you think pregnant women are only affected for 1-2 months?

I don’t understand why baby boomers think home ownership is so important. It wasn’t considered a necessity until their generation. I grew up in a big, nice house, wearing shitty hand-me-down clothes and eating canned food. I was raised to believe that a house is a god that you pour your time, money and energy into and

Hahahahaha. Do you live in NYC? Taking a cab is often slower and more inconvenient. I promise you many of the pregnant women you see on the subway can afford their kids just fine. It’s totally insane to suggest that pregnant women take cabs everywhere and I expect you’re about to have your ass handed to you by

Okay, where does it say she actually tried to run him off the road instead of following him to express her opinion when he stopped his car because he wouldn’t engage with her on campus?

It really does go too far. Because only one of them is assured of health insurance in the event.

Because evangelism is basically white supremacy+gospel of wealth

Smoking is gross. Indoor smoking is even more gross. Indoor smoking that ruins original art pieces and haute couture gowns people spent months making for these idiots is reprehensible.

Yes, nothing says “I love you” like an implicit, threatening demand for reciprocity.

Ahh, Mother’s Day, when those of us who are not on speaking terms with abusive parents get guilted to hell and back because “she’s your mother!”

(protip: Do not do this.)

A lot of these rules made sense in context: many of the orthodox Jewish traditions are rooted in hygienic practices in Bronze/Iron age Israelite communities. This may very well be one of them. The problem is these traditions survived well beyond their necessity.

The batshit craziness of the Richard III Society is one of my all time favorite things. Did the Tudors (and the people sucking up to them) vilify him? Yeah, totally. But these people treat him like the hero of a bodice ripper. It is bonkers, and I adore it.

It doesn’t show how addiction can turn people shitty. It shows that carefully-calculated PR stunts don’t particularly reflect people’s characters. And even outside of the celebrity part, carefully maintaining one’s public/community image is a very powerful tool for wife-beaters.

If you’re sleeping, healthy and not addicted to anything... Probably not. A lot of stars around our age suddenly find that that hard living they thought they could get away with has caught up to them.

I don’t think Nicole was that bad at all. She was paying attention to Giada, she followed along with the recipe, and she asked questions about the recipe. Asking how to make risotto in the first place is a valid question! And she backed her timer response with a question about to know they’re done without a timer.

I won’t watch this (thanks for doing that for me, Bobby) and I don’t care about Giada so this is really just an excuse to get this off my chest. But Ellen SUCKS as a talk show host. She’s fucking straight up bad at it. Whenever she isn’t just straight up mean she’s forced and insincere.

Have a festival!