
Treating dogs like they are as important or more important than humans is terrible. That's why people get soooo upset about Michael Vick and the dog fighting but don't care about all the professional athletes who beat their wives/girl friends. It's sick.

Honestly, a person who would dump a some one over a health condition rather than rehome a pet is probably a terrible SO/friend to begin with. He'd be better off without you.

Rehoming an animal because they make a loved one ill is not treating them as disposable. I think that people who value dogs over people are sick.

Wait, you'd seriously end a two year relationship that's going well because he's allergic to dogs?

And if the hospital blamed the doctor's maturity or lack of experience it would likely increase the settlement the family got. Why is incompetence seen as acceptable? All these bullshit excuses fall apart if you apply them to any situation except when a black person gets killed.

Wedding guests in white/ivory is a particular sore spot of mine. My mother-in-law's beige dress was never appropriate for my wedding (in addition to the color it was too formal) but then it photographed even lighter than it was in person.

My expectations are so low for officials in Missouri at this point. I'm just glad that he acknowledged that it was a tiny group of people and that the protesters are peaceful.

The article is about people who object to the rabbits being sold for food. It's literally in the headline.

It very much depends on where you live. That would be crazy high where I live.

Right? You just told the kids it was too naughty and grown up for them. That's like cat nip for teens.

If you can't afford a week's worth of disposables there's no way you can afford the start up cost of cloth diapers.

A poll tax is charging someone to vote. The US Constitution forbids it. You should try to understand the very basics of the context and history of a topic before you start giving an opinion about it.

Normally I would share your skepticism of the honor system but there is tremendous evidence that it was working just fine. Also, in the United States a poll tax is unconstitutional. These ID laws all amount to poll taxes.

There were definitely times in the first two weeks when I sat on the edge of my bed and just watched my son breathe. I can't imagine how neurotic a device like this would have made me. No thanks.

I wonder if she'll see warning signs his behavior now that she knows what to look for.

You didn't need towels, you needed different diapers.

Ugh, now I feel all weird about them.

I suspect that if kids and teens got real, comprehensive sex ed and it wasn't such an awkward, forbidden topic conversations about having good, satisfying sex would be more likely to happen.

Yup, I kept looking farther and farther out... I ended up west of Worcester.

There is plenty of evidence that receiving Communist papers could get you arrested in the '50s.