I dunno. I think saying to someone, "if I'm in the hospital and unable to make my own life and death decisions then you are the person I trust to make them for me," is actually pretty romantic.
I dunno. I think saying to someone, "if I'm in the hospital and unable to make my own life and death decisions then you are the person I trust to make them for me," is actually pretty romantic.
Plenty of people buy houses together with getting married first. Why would the short term contract be any different?
It doesn't happen to everyone. And some people's feet only get wider or only longer. My kid is only 5 weeks old and I can wear most of last summer's sandals.
Where I live I can get a college student who's majoring in education to babysit for the same hourly rate I got paid in high school.
Wow, inept assault with a gum ball machine. That's pretty special.
Mr. Impossible is one of my favorites. That whole series is great.
I'm not the only one! I thought I was the only romance reader alive who didn't like Lord of Scoundrels.
I'm actually two thirds of the way through Scandal now and I'm having trouble finishing it. The heroine is wearing on me. Good to know about her other work!
I'm surprised it's not higher. I would think the 1%-ers would drag it up more.
But the oldest Millennials, the first ones to get participation trophies, would have been in college orientation 10+ years ago. I'm a Millennial (with a baby) and none of my friends have parents under 50. I'm not arguing that Gen Xers can't be obnoxious helicopter parents, I'm just saying the issue didn't originate…
It's probably transitioning now. The helicopter parents everyone bitches about were originally boomers (1946 -1964) and it seems like the older Gen Xers (1965- 1982ish) have continued with it. Gen Xers are too young to have been middle class helicopter parents to the older Millennials.
Ah, I've known people who got giardia in Boston and DC without leaving the cities. I didn't realize that was so unusual. The Boston one was traced to a country club pool and they never figured out the DC one.
I agree with your overall statement about testing but what does being in major city have to do with whether or not it makes sense to test for giardia?
My BFF is in grad school in FL. Her hair always looks good cause she's magic. (I hate her a little for it.)
In my experience the only guys who say "we're pregnant" are douche bags.
Yup, I'm way more willing to make small talk during take off if it's a business traveller. Once we can turn on our electronics we will politely ignore each other.
Equating fecal matter to breast milk says a lot about you and nothing about the mother.
I've seen women nursing during ceremonies. What's the big deal? Any bride who isn't a terrible person would want her loved one to nurse the baby rather than miss the ceremony.
My husband's high school had a competitive cheer team and a "pom squad." I think the pom squad is probably analogous to what you're describing.
The major goal of getting competitive cheerleading classified as a sport seems to be so that it will be subject to the same sorts of safety regulations that other sports are.