She’s an asshole.
She’s an asshole.
How about ‘NAF’ (Non-techie Acceptance Factor) or something a bit less sexist? Plenty of wives are very tech-savvy, and it’s really insulting to try and belittle women just because the spouse you chose is not.
Where was I reading about pay transparancy earlier today?
It can both be true that Caitlyn Jenner is not deserving of the Woman of the Year, and that this guy is an asshole for calling her a man.
“The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.
I struggle to see how the Steam Machine is a good idea. I mean, how is it any different from any other gaming PC?
Agreed. The idea is good but like Nathan Grayson, I can’t really see who this is really targeted toward. PC gamers will most likely not buy this since there is pretty much no point and console gamers will most likely not buy it because not only does it not play some of the bigger title games but as you said, it…
I don’t know if this story would make for a better movie as directed by David Fincher or as a series, produced by Ryan Murphy. A House of Cards meets Scream Queens.
So when he was arrested last week by police for driving at over 100mph through the town of Grantham, his excuse was that he had “learned to drive on his Playstation.”
Kim is that you?
I really want to see what happens when the civs start researching nuclear bombs.
I’m cynical, too. Sure. But I think there’s something helpful about seeing someone go from “traditionalist” to supporter of same-sex marriage. That original statement on Ellen? The one where she said she didn’t support same-sex marriage? I think that is one of the most honest things the Kardashian-Jenners have done in…
While I’m not angry at the nudity in general, nor I am at the nudity of toddler, this is clearly a sexualized nudity context, so I find it totally inappropriate for a toddler.
I’m sort of jealous of him.
“Buying this Barbie jeep is the craaaaaaziest thing I’ve ever done! So cool! And crazy!”
Bunning also told five deputy clerks who work for Davis that they have until 1:45 p.m. to decide whether they will comply with his order to issue marriage licenses or join Davis in jail.
This guy!
But it wasn’t an indie developer, no SJWs were involved, and nobody slept with each other. I’m confused!
Im a weeaboo and i don’t think gays should be allowed either, guess neither of us get what we want.
That is so beyond disgruntled. O.o