Gravity falls
One time one of those racist douchebags noticed I’m female and German. I thought he would start one of his hate tirades. Instead he got weirdly flirty and wanted me to be “his Eva Braun”, which creeped me out more than anything else.
This is actually very true, the second situation is worse. When put in this situation as the girl, you feel the expectation that you should be flattered when in fact you are probably annoyed and very aware that the rest of the players might be too. If you are nice about it they might feel reaffirmed and keep going. If…
I work in a library, and for many years I also volunteered for my college’s annual book sale. It would not be an exaggeration to say that I have handled a million books in my lifetime. And after plowing through box after box after box of donations, you see so many bug-ridden, filthy, mouldy things: textbooks out of…
She tries really hard to not talk about the fact that she is trans because she lost a bunch of friends and her parents over it. She has said in the past that the LGBT community has done nothing for her so she doesnt want to be used by them. I agree with you, just relaying information.
I cant seem to get out of the freaking grays man. Anyways, what shes saying is she is doing this to help women players get attention from LCS teams, but she doesnt want to be a part of the LGBT agenda. She is trans and has been mercilessly bullied for it.
If I had to guess, some argument that Pygmies were not fully human but some other primate species that was really, really close to us.
The Friends line has a school, a farm, a burger cafe, a juice bar, a vet, a news van, a bakery, a hair salon, lighthouse, prop plane, jungle rescue sets, etc in addition to residental houses and a shopping center. There’s a grocery store and hotel and airport coming soon. I hate hate hate the mini-dolls, mainly for…
Not to mention that the earlier school starts, the earlier they get let out. This leads to many parents having to spend even more money to enroll their kids in after-school care due to the average workday not ending until 5.
They’ve had literally a jillion studies about this and it has changed precisely nothing. No, teenagers will not have a good time with a calculus test that starts at 7:10 AM. Why are we still doing this?
My thoughts exactly.
It was actually better? That’s good to hear! I managed to not take it as often as I usually do, but I’m glad to hear it wasn’t the shitshow I was expecting.
Obviously I don’t find it disgusting because I enjoy using it in food. \_(ツ)_/
Ruben is gunna be dangerous for me if it actually ends up being good.
That’s absolutely right. And probably a big part of why some people like to twist things into meaning what they want them to mean (i.e. jesus hates gays, men should not lie with men! etc). Couldn’t agree more.
Oh so true.