

I have never played Suikoden I before, but I’ve played Suikoden II about 3 times already including one just last year. It’s still very playable by itself, I think maybe like Elder Scrolls where there are some mention of past actions from the previous games but that’s basically it I think because I still understood the

They should make a Suikoden where the combat is real time and you can still have up to 6 characters with you and you just give them give them AI commands, I think similar to Origin, I think? Where you just set the parameters in there AI on what to do and stuff, I think that would be great.

People wanted Morrowind, they’ll get Morrowind.

I thought it wasn’t that it was hard to animate, just that it was hard to implement in unity because of the Coop aspect wherein each and every player sees their character as the main and the others as different Assassins...Male assassins so that the animation skeleton would still be the same as the protagonist’s, but

I think it’s Ouroboros. I’m not a gramazi or anything, it’s not a commonly used word in everyday life, so I’d just like to correct it...Unless I’m also mistaken then that’s just embarrassing.

That’s because Origin DID have the better story compared to the other Arkhams, they had a very fleshed out cast, but that’s basically the only good thing they have. The rest, including graphics, is better in city.

More like be the Bat-mobile...I really hate that they forced the bat mobile in a lot of parts of the game. Don’t get me wrong, it’s fun; But I really only think of it as a tool, just like the Batarangs and the grappling hook. I hate that they had to reduce the challenge maps for combat and predator just to accommodate

People don’t use decoctions? Or maybe just you and a minority of people? Because I definitely found the potions and decoctions and oils to be quite useful. I think even more so in New Game + (if the difficulty increases)

Did they nerf it? When I played 3-4 weeks ago it was pretty good, each strike regained health, even signs regains health, there was something that also makes you regain stamina. It was kinda OP when I used it. I don’t know about it now though. It was useful in one on one fights more so with multiple enemies.

The chest plate sucks...The rest of her costume looks good, though.


I also don’t get this, does this mean they removed the skill system? The only time skills were sort of shown were during the crafting sequences wherein some items required a skill level to be of a certain level to craft them.

Yeah, I doubt they were mad about it. Media overblows stuff ALL THE TIME. It was just a bonus for a job well done, they still got paid for their job, it was just a bonus if their game did very well.

Mmmhmmmm, NICE...Set of polygons they got there.

Holy hotbars, Batman!

There’s a lot of useful decoctions if you cared enough to try them, there was one where you gain health for every damage you deal towards an enemy(Echidna?). pretty useful for tough fights or when you get mobbed.

The story is so diverse though, it had multiple endings depending on your heroes mortality.

Mike, I mean no offense by this, but you really got fat man...Did this start when you started doing Snacktaku? You look a lot healthier in your avatar, though.

Still haven’t touched the game since it “released”, I’ll probably play it once they officially consider it sell-able to the public.