Would you describe the game as similar to Escape Velocity, except that this one is in First Person?
Would you describe the game as similar to Escape Velocity, except that this one is in First Person?
I haven’t played the main game yet, just played around the tutorial stuff so far. I haven’t been able to play it some more since, but from what I’ve played, it seemed fun, fun enough for me to buy some cheap flight stick. I’ll be happy if I can play at least 30 hours worth of non repeating content.
I bought it at about $17, is that the right price for it? I haven’t played it yet, but I hope I won’t be disappointed with it, I hope it’s not MMO grindy.
Yes it’s still a fetch quest, the difference is this COULD be a significantly better implementation of a fetch quest compared to say Inquisitions/ MMOs.
Will it also have local co-op, similar to Salt and Sanctuary? Because that game was just AWESOME!
So basically, I should finish the main quest first before doing Blood and Wine? And also, I should try to avoid getting the suicidal Geralt ending?
So CDPR accidentally recreated Oblivion’s Adoring Fan?
I always play support, I work better in the background, I prefer the dark over the light, that sort of thing. It’s fun having a negative K/D and still be top of the leaderboard because of points I get for supporting. That said there really aren’t that many games that support...”Supports”.
Commas are your friends, this sounds like a tag in an RPG porno or something. :D
Really? Brave Fencer Musashi was under appreciated? I thought it was a success. When this came out, all my gamer friends were playing this. Even now when I mention something relating to this game, my new gamer friends also know about it. I actually like this one more than the sequel/reboot.
Same, it was out of necessity though because my GTX 680ti broke. Still worth it, but I’ll wait for the GTX 1080ti before upgrading, then I can finally build that new PC for work! Things are turning out better than I expected.
Is that official, a rough estimate or an educated guess? Because I’ll be waiting for the 1080Ti, definitely.
Just an estimate, around when can we expect the GTX 1080Ti to arrive? Because I’ll be waiting for that, maybe around the holidays perhaps? Or will it be next year?
How about Mankind Divided and Mirror’s Edge? I personally am excited for those two games.
This is what I’m feeling with the Witcher 3, I actually stopped playing it for a few months after the 1st expansion released because I wanted to wait for the next expansion before finishing it. But a few weeks ago I decided, screw it! I’ll just play it in new game+. Now I can’t stop playing it again, stupid Witcher!…
“Owner Mode” we all know what it’s for, if you know what I mean ;)
I’m sure you know, but just in case...Jesse never said “Science, bitch!” He actually just says “Yeah...Yeah, science!” It always makes me wonder why people keep misquoting him.
How’s the combat? Basic MMO combat click and watch or Action oriented combat like Dragonica, Blade and Soul, Black Desert?
I still really prefer the actor playing as "Mack" in Agents of shield, he looks so perfect as Luke Cage.
I play every game I can except, sports, fighting, strategy, and most racing games. I also only play select tactical games e.g. Divinity original sin, xcom 2. But I generellay prefer action rpgs, rpgs, action, adventure etc. Arkham, shadow of mordor, farcry, Witcher, recently Stardew Valley