
They don’t eat the people whole, they bite them off piece by piece, sometimes biting off the head first, sometimes an entire upper or lower half. They chew too, you know! They aren’t pigs that just swallow stuff whole! :D

Yeah, CDPR and Bethesda are the only gaming company that I remember for now, that actually delivers. Rocksteady used to be on that list...Oh yeah, Re-Logic too! They consistently deliver amazing content via update on Terraria, can’t wait for Terraria 2!

Wow! I really love the music I hope this is the type of music they use in the series. It kinda makes me feel nostalgic of some magical, fantastical land of some JRPG game of the past, maybe a Tales game or Chrono Cross? Can’t quite put my finger on it but it really gives me a nostalgic feeling of a past game.

Is it very similar to Terraria just in 3D? In that you can mine anywhere and discover stuff, maybe a cavern underground, is there an underworld? That’s what I really love about Terraria: Dig, Fight, Explore, Build. And hundreds if not thousands of equipment.

No PC release!? :(

It means that there is no extra charge for DLC, unlike other devs where you have to pay for the game then for the DLC...So, yeah, it’s still considered free DLC; again, since you didn’t have to pay any extra charge on top of the base payment for the game.

What??? Cuphead is coming to PC?! Woohoo! I thought it was an Xbone exclusive, this is good! Will it release at the same time? Or maybe a timed exclusive thing?

But he does speak a lot of sense, though. Even if those numbers are way off, the Nintendo does only reach a relatively amount of people compared to Fallout 4.

You should have talked about New Vegas in the Article, I’ve read a lot of posts about it being more of a successor to Fallout 1 & 2 than Fallout 3.

Every dev that develops open world games should follow the example of CDPR, that’s how you make sidequests people! Make it meaningful, make it fun! Don’t make it a grindfest, and repetitive.

Someone should do this at Ubisoft Montreal, you know, just to make the real life portion of Assassin’s Creed real. Time to polish up on your Assassin blending!

But I don’t want to take it back from the Dragons, Dragon’s rock! Dragon is love, dragon is life! Keep on dragon, guys!

My phone doesn’t support the game :( Man, I hate having such a sucky phone...But I’d rather spend my cash on upgrades to the PC, games, and other PC peripherals rather than a new phone...The dilemma :(

Did you already buy the Pip-boy Edition? If not go for the iPhone 6 plus then, the camera also has a great image stabilization, I tried it while riding on a rocky road trip, it made it seem as though we were on a developed road. Also, you could still use the phone for Pip-boy stuff, even without the Pip-boy. I know

What I loved about the 5s and up is the ability to shoot a video at 240fps Woohoo! Slow mo is the best!! It also means you can get some amazing actions shots with it.

So technically speaking, since a Samsung S3 has the width of an S4/S5 and the height close to that of an Iphone, does that mean an S3 would also fit??

Or they could just make the goons fight to be their leader’s right hand guy. Just like in Mordor, the orcs didn’t become that important when they defeated you, the black hand were still the main villains.

The only thing that stops this from working on the current Arkham Knight is because the game supposedly takes place in one night, right? There’s no Night and Day cycle to tell that thug #7394 has returned and grown. This would still work though, but just on a different Batman game, one that is just open and not in a

I wonder how they’ll remake the “Battle of Fort Condor” that was a pretty fun mini game.

And it’s supposedly headed to the PS Vita this December in October.