JRPG? If it were at least that it would be good. But nope, Square-enix only makes Android/iOS card games now.
JRPG? If it were at least that it would be good. But nope, Square-enix only makes Android/iOS card games now.
Are you referring to the "Misaka Network"?
Yeah, that game is pretty much the equivalent of these mechanical arcade games.
It is in the same category as a pinball machine and other mechanical electronic games.
Yeah, you are right.
Well, I think it is still a video-game, after all, "video" means "I see" in Latin.
"to create a head-snapping 500,000 polygons per second"
Oh this gif! I can't stop laughing now.
Kids today...
About the costs when modelling characters, jumping from 10k to 40k is not really a big deal.
You nailed the last one... that I missed by a long shot.
What you said sounds similar to Monsanto.
This is really cool.
I just turned 25 and I'm already feeling like this too. Things are moving too damn fast, I'm feeling like a fossil already.
Interesting how these infomercial people seem to suffer from severe cerebellar ataxia.
Haven't you guys ever heard of Neural Networks?
For me, they both sounds good, except for the Japanese Goofy, sounds a little weird.
Big Rigs of the Dead: Over the Road Survival.
Sony PlayStation3 uses Sony's own PSGL, which might or not be based on OpenGL 1.0.
The video is a parody of how certain games act when it comes down to games (The so called PC Master Race, for instance). As if the only thing that matters is GRAPHICS.