"Stop calling it Xbox. It might be cool over there, but in Japan, the name is very strong and seems very junior high. Thus, it doesn't appeal to women and children."
"Stop calling it Xbox. It might be cool over there, but in Japan, the name is very strong and seems very junior high. Thus, it doesn't appeal to women and children."
And yet we have some Indie developers who make a single hit and turn into complete assholes.
Well, with japanese logos there's only:
Suddenly I want to watch some dubbed movies, in Japanese.
but. but. but... It is realistic! :(
What else can he do? It is not his fault nor the game developers. Simply the number of console gamers is way bigger and that's where the money is, today. The only thing PC gamers can do is somehow try to convert the most console gamers as possible into PC gamers. It is the ONLY way to free PC from the "shackles" of…
Contracts, of course!
We should call it: "Dirty glasses filter", because that's the closest someone can experience this in real life.
Yeah, I love NIS games and Disgaea. I'm currently playing God and Fate Revolution Paradox and waiting for Disgaea D2 to be released.
Is this the OUYA controller, but with decent design?
About being easier to develop on: Yes, due to the x86 architecture, since it is the same as used on PCs.
I've moved to 10mbps just recently. (I'm not from the US)
Gradient filter? or do you mean the dirty lens filter? That's one thing that annoys me to no end, I hate when my camera lens get like that and I feel an urge to clean my screen whenever that shows up. They use it for the same reason they use lens flares: because it makes the graphics more realistic. Although I like…
I think people can't be overly proud of their work.
What? I was being sarcastic, that's why I wrote it like that.
But wouldn't this be prone to happen when game streaming goes mainstream?
What? this way they can't charge you again for the games you already own! How dare you propose such a unprofitable method?!?!?!/?!?!? THESE COMPANIS LIV TO MAEK MONEIS YOU CAAAMT TELL DEM TO NOT MAEK MONEI IF YOU CAMT HAVE MONEEE IOU CANT PLAAY GAEMS.
All this cloud/streaming stuff is unusable for me, I was struggling to watch today's stream at 480p, mind you playing a game using it.
Gust (bottom right, on top of Acquire) is there too, so is Nippon Ichi (top left, below activision)
Just because he's a game designer it doesn't mean he has to act like this.