If my car starts to sound like a WWII submarine approaching its collapse depth when I go 75 I’m gonna slow the fuck down.
If my car starts to sound like a WWII submarine approaching its collapse depth when I go 75 I’m gonna slow the fuck down.
You’re problem is that you dwell on bad news. It’s not all your fault, the media spends 99% of it’s time relaying bad news because it sells better. Take bad cop stories for example. If you went by just the news you’d think all cops are murders and the police force itself is completely corrupt. But the truth is that…
This was a thing I read today. Apparently you can culturally appropriate food. So yah I’d say we’ve jumped the shark with the pc social justice warrior bs. At this point it will only keep getting more and more ridiculous.
You know, 99% of the time I come down on the side of feminists on most issues, but to me there is a line we are crossing here with DOA.
It’s kink. Pure and simple. Someone likes the cheesecake in DOA. And for the most part, I have absolutely no issue with that.
Your kinks do not hurt me and my kinks do not hurt you,…
This post is the first thing that came close to making me feel anything about this attack. I’m almost (but not really) ashamed to admit that in all of the public displays of silence and shock, that I’ve felt nothing. No sadness, no surprise. After spending most of my young adult years fighting in Iraq, I feel like the…
...but I also think using ad-block is not really different from pirating material.
Sorry, but that’s not stealing. Websites can serve up whatever they want to users, but users are not required to accept all or any of it. A lot of people try to lump in the use of ad blockers with digital piracy, but they are not the same thing.
So not watching an ad is theft. OK, whatevs.
You don’t know what stealing is, do you?
Often, that single line of code ends up breaking things that would outrage consumers if it was the developers that broke it rather than some modder. People always pointed to the 60 FPS mod for Dark Souls as being SO EASY, when the mod in fact broke sliding down ladders, made the hit detection wonky, screwed up weapon…
Why does it seem American gamers and anime fans are so averse to sex in games? Sex is not a big deal. It can strengthen story and emotional attachment to characters, adding to immersion in my opinion.
Good call. Letting kids virtually experience sexual intimacy would only serve to distract them from the much more developmentally crucial virtual experiences like murdering people.
Toren, because fuck that shameless Ico rip-off.
How about you take advice from your own username.
I laughed when you called video game Youtubers “creatives”.