Rise of the Planet of the Mice
Rise of the Planet of the Mice
Black THEN white, you say?
I agree with you that Incredibles doesn't need a sequel, but sometimes it does work. X2 was much better than X-Men, Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me gave us Mini-Me and Transformers never had a good movie for the sequel to ruin, anyway. Also, there's Back to the Future, Ninja Turtles, Bill and Ted...
Prometheuses, Prometheus 3, Prometheus Resurrection, Prometheuses vs Predators
Yo dawg...
LOOK OUT! He's packing Campfires!
Wait, what? So now he can't even say his own name without turning mortal? Didn't they already do that with Capt. Marvel Jr?
The Captain truly is The Captain.
That's Black VULCAN!
Be REALLY careful of the metaphors.
Finally! Some recognition for my home sta-... oh, you mean recent Mexican stores. Not New Mexican stories.
Goodbye Arizona Bay, hellooo Las Cruces seaport and an hour's drive to the beach.
I've seen enough hen-... oh, wait.
4:04 - Asian Jerry Lewis?
Every time I see her I have to remind myself she's not Starbuck.
I can't imagine what going into an Old Navy might be like for you.
C! Passing!