And his do-rag.
And his do-rag.
That's Medusa. She controls her hair. So, no, her hair has her mind.
Congratulations on making a grown man cry.
He had a purple Wolverine mask, suspenders and a loinclothy thing. What in that shouts "master archer" to you?
Too many fingers on his left hand.
Too old? Besides dead, how could they get too old? The characters are people. They age. Why can't they fly that ship ten, fifteen years down the road?
Nolan? Reusing actors? NOOOO!
Remind me, how many cats has he had in the comics?
*clap.... clap.... clap.... clap.. clap clap clapclapclapclapclap*
Please excuse this text.
Not really. Just one mission flowing into a side mission flowing into the next.
No reason you can't. There was a LOT of time between that first mission and the last. Who knows what happened in between?
Well, you don't wear every sweater your great aunt Sally makes you for Christmas, do you?
I'm thinking cameo. Something Tony made for Cap.
In my mind, the music is awesome. In the video, it's a school concert recital. WTF, nostalgia?
That's my new favorite camel.
They're not complaining about what the suit did, but that Marvel/Disney is selling worthless new-age crap non-science get-your-hopes-up magic jewelry with the Avengers logo splashed on it.