
American high school homecoming IS ridiculous. I managed to avoid it for four years.

Don’t they understand that once The Science is Settled, none dare question it?

Who could’ve known that avalanches are caused by climate change. It’s no wonder they never happened before the the 20th century.

Cable, without the cable, but with cable prices. Novel. thanks.

Why don’t you take a copy of the IPCC 4th Assessment Report (I’m not sure it’s in the 5th), run the actual numbers. That is, if the world cuts back CO2 emissions by as much as is being demanded. Then figure out how much many trillions it’ll cost (hint: 10 times the US GDP would almost cover it). After you’ve done

Since climate change has been a significant driving force for biological evolution, why should humans be exempt?

Wow. The whole “review” was just another excuse to slap Trump? Again? Still?

On reference to your last article about what we could learn from the polar bear petting the dog.

The first thing we learned from that wonderful series of images is the bear wasn’t hungry.

Oh, excellent!! A science fiction that casts government as good, corporations as bad. Wow! That’s so cool! It’s never been done before!!

So the government pays everyone. What an excellent way to preserve the status quo, where the haves keep theirs, and the have nots live, hand to mouth, at the whims of a sometimes malevolent ruler.

I guess it’s partially fans’ fault as well. Assuming this story is true, the execs don’t care if it’s a good movie because fans will see it anyway. Look at Batman v Superman. It had some interesting things in it. It had a few scenes that were well done. Despite the reviews, I went to see it.

Well, Soylent Green IS people...

...and your point is?

Adam West’s “Batman” is a parody. Always has been. Not sure why you don’t have it listed here.

400ppm. That’s truly frightening. That means it’s approaching 10% of the CO2 level during the Mesozoic.

Maybe not, but they didn’t want Phantom Menace or Crystal Skull. So, some good, some not.

That Bay Area faults are “dangerously interconnected” isn’t new, wasn’t recently discovered, and shouldn’t be news. I attended grad school seminars on this very subject 30 years ago, and it wasn’t considered new even then. But, hey. It makes great headlines.

Of course it’s the hottest year ever. And since past temperature data are continuously being corrected downward, the upcoming year will always be the hottest on record.

Yup. Humans are universally bad. Animals are universally good. A great philosophy. Perhaps the next world war will erase all humans, and earth can once again be a paradise where all animals treat each other with kindness and respect.