
Wow. Two Cat 4 hurricanes in one year. This has never happened before.

I tried watching Batman Movie 1966 recently. I was only a few minutes in, where Batman and Robin had flown in the Batcopter to stop a bad guy in a yacht, used a batrope, descended the batladder, was attacked by a shark (not a batshark?), and pulled his batsharkrepellent out of his batutility belt.

On the one hand, diversity and courage calls for people of color to take on roles traditionally created for european people. On the other, casting any race other than the specific, non-European originally specified for the role is racist.

And the computer models, which have never failed to produce accurate predictions, provide absolute proof.

Because there can never be too much camp?


It’s a terrifying world indeed, where an 11 year drought of hurricanes is broken by one hurricane and one tropical storm, and now it’s the harbinger of a deadly future promised, not by data, not by empirical observations, but by computer model output.


This was “recent” in October 2013, almost 1,100 days ago. While fascinating and well worth the repeat, it kind of stretches the meaning of “recent”.

I’m looking for news of some new discovery that doesn’t portend disaster for the planet. I’m not finding it.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Uh, no. V was bad. Into Dumbness was flat out insulting.

I thought Return of the Caped Crusaders could be fun. Adam West and Burt Ward together again. So, I watched the 1966 Batman movie, same main cast, same aesthetic. After watching Batman and Robin fly out in the Batcopter (a Bell 47 with cheesy bat wings), climb down the Batladder and encounter a shark, where Batman

According to NBC news, the Paris Climate Accord was designed to stop things like Hurricane Matthew. Does this mean that prior to anthropogenic global warming the the 19th and 20th centuries, there weren’t hurricanes?

So, eliminate all dams. That’s the Green way of fixing problems, eh?

Yeah....that about covers it.

Wait!! I know this...It’s global warming and it’s going to destroy the world.

Or MSNBC. Two sides, same coin.

Sooooo......when a single-story is remade with intent to make it into a franchise, is that a reboot or a remake? getting warmer is a good thing.