
Yeah. That’s what it looked like to me, too.

By saying Suicide Squad isn’t a good movie, clearly you must be a paid Marvel shill. Or, so I keep reading. Even Armond White believes there’s a conspiracy against DC movies.

If humans live long enough, we’re much more likely to succumb to a renewed glacial advance, with its guaranteed global famine, than we are to Earth returning to a climate more like what existed for 90% of the past 500 million years. But, go ahead. Panic over ‘heat waves’.


“’d be blind because you need to reflect light off the corneas of your eyes to see.”

I don’t hate the new universe. I hate how the films portray it. Find me a serious navy anywhere, at any time, that would ever hand over command of its fleet flagship to a cadet.

I don’t think it would necessarily be a bad thing, as long as JJ is kept away from it.

Yeah. Seems hard to like/dislike a show that was never made.

Check out the Superman movies kill count. Very amusing.

It’s odd that water boiling at Mars’ surface pressure is considering “a surprise”. It’s basic physics.

Anyone who thinks human hunters, who do their best to place a bullet in the heart of their prey for the quickest possible kill, are extraordinarily cruel and vicious, and are unparalleled in nature, clearly have no knowledge of nature.

Yeah. I loved Firefly, and it remains one of the few sci Fi anything that doesn’t have sound in space. But the science isn’t always right. In an otherwise excellent episode (Out of Gas), the writers mess up the science, with both the concept of oxygen availability in a closed craft, and with heat loss in the

How about making Henry Cavill’s super man into Superman. That would be a novel change from Man of Steel.

Interesting how forecasts have been so wrong. But, there are reasons.

You can see it in today’s political race. On the one hand, there’s Jerk Supreme, an arrogant megalomaniac with delusions of grandeur. And Trump appears to be even worse, lacking the ability to temper his mouth with any kind of filter.

Yup. Lawsuit. Civil violations. If only they'd blurred the offenders faces.

Counterpoint: more so than ‘dawn of justice’

Let’s see. If we average damage from the Dark Knight trilogy plus Man of Steel, compare it to an average of both captain America movies plus both avengers movies, the answer is....sorry. I don’t know. If you average property damage between each set of four movies, it’s probably a wash. If you average body count, DC

If everyone sits back and says “it’s not that bad”, then they'll expand their power again, and again.