
Not true. It isn’t about blaming people who break existing laws. It’s about the EPA creating new laws and expanding their power to control everything.

Hmmm. The new Outer Limits episode “think like a dinosaur” dealt with exactly that subject. Quite interesting in fact.

“Embodied energy”. Oh. You mean CO2. Funny thing: earth has been warming at approximately the same rate for over 200 years, and CO2 started rising 100 years ago. Mountain glacial retreat has been recorded all over the world for almost 250 years. Sea level has been rising and falling slowly, with overall rise, for

If their purpose was to control smog, a smog test would require one thing: passing a tailpipe sniff test. Instead, they are interested primarily in whether or not the car has been “tampered with”.

Good insults are always, always better than swearing.

But, he’s republican, so he deserves the derision, yes? I mean, if someone was doing this to a democrat,c candidate it would be unconscionable, or at least not fair. Democrats only want to help people. They’re not like those nasty republicans who want to kill children and throw little old ladies out of their homes.


Yeah. This show is an irritating mix of silly and wonderful. I could do without the silly (since when will a hot spot on a missile set off a nuke???). But moments like the confession prove one thing:

Yes. Everything awful and despicable claimed by anyone about The Donald must be true because, republican. Besides, they couldn't say it if it wasn't true.

Wow!! Hollywood and America are racist! How original! How....insightful!!!

I liked it. It was impressive in many ways. It was not as impressive for its time as the Road Warrior was. It deserved accolades for its technical accomplishments. But it wasn't Best Picture.

Maybe we’ll see something in Star Trek we haven’t seen since well before the JJ era: plots that make sense, characters that act like people.

Drool isn't the bodily fluid that comes to mind with something so ugly.

I've gone to comic con San Diego at least 17 times. Used to be fun. It’s not anymore.

It’s so wonderful that millionaires, who publicly call for higher taxes, are able to get tax credits from California. Surely, they need lower taxes so much more than people who live paycheck to paycheck.

Absolutely. All except the “science” and “proven” parts.

Isn't it amazing how static and predictable weather has always been until now?

Yes. My graduate advisor would've been greatly improved by basking in such a river...preferably before I'd ever met him.

...because corporations cause only distress and dystopia, while a properly powerful, centralized government is the only possible the source of bright and happy future.

In no particulars, in no details, but in the feeling of WTF combined with WGARA, I couldn’t help but be reminded of Dahlgren and the frustration I felt the first time I read it at 15, and the annoyance from the last time I read it at 38. Unlike Dahlgren, I didn’t give Infinite Jest additional opportunities to waste my