
There are so many other subjects about which no movies have ever been made, I guess we truly need another half dozen Robin Hood versions to go with the previous several hundred. Yup. Let's make more Robin Hoods.

We’re expending tens of billions annually to prove that elevation of CO2 above 4/100 of one percent will be the end of the world—it never was before, when it was a half percent and higher, but it will be this time.

And they officially endorse anthropogenic global warming.

It looks like it could be a good read. Sadly, I don’t get free sample books and must pay for them. But $18 for a real book and $13 for an ebook is just too steep. I wish you would let people know when prices for great books drops to a manageable level.'s off to the library.

It's so awful. This kind of weather never happened before global warming.

And the entire chaotic and overwhelmingly complex interactions of non-solar astronomical influence, earth tilt, precession, wobble, orbital eccentricity, solar activity, solar system magnetic fields, cosmic ray penetration, earth magnetic field, nitrogen cycle, water cycle, carbon cycle, lithosphere, hydrosphere,

There’s another way to look at it:

Sorry. But Hillary is a much closer fit to the Master of Laketown from the Hobbit series.

It's truly amazing how many records can be shattered when data is properly adjusted.

Lady Gaga is the best thing about American Horror Story: Hotel?

Some energy assignments seem pretty arbitrary, a few ridiculous.

There should be no denial. After NOAA adjusted surface temperature data, the hiatus disappeared. What more proof do deniers need?

Too extreme, too exotic. Just add a couple hundredths of a percent of CO2 to the atmosphere. That should do the trick.

And it's all lies! Not mistaken, not incorrect, not accidentally confused with stats from a few years before. All lies. Deliberate, calculated, obviously created by republicans: lies.

That would require people to let go of previously cherished notions and open their minds to new possibilities.

Amazing stories! And nothing, no disasters, no weird weather ever happened before the industrial revolution. Ever.

Wow. Well, that explains the sudden spike in east Pacific Ocean temperatures. Such things never happened before human pollution of the atmosphere.

OMG!!! It’s a climate-destroying gas!

I’ve read your piece a couple times, and you convinced me to buy...a kindle copy of Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress”.

Most people who are harshly critical of Heinlein place their personal ideology above all, and Heinlein was unrepentantly anti-socialist and believed in individual rights and responsibilities. That doesn’t sit well with most media members today.