She could have also just said nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
She could have also just said nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bucky finding peace in Wakanda is my favorite post credits scene.
So they’re going to remove the smartest, kindest guy on the show? The Simpsons really is dead at last... Unless... No, it wouldn’t work. But maybe? They could replace him with a Canadian, because that’s basically what Apu was if you ignore his skin color.
Maybe The Simpsons should just play it safe and get rid of ALL their characters who are stereotypes, regardless if they actually have development or not.
So she’s going to star in a remake of Blazing Saddles?
redskull3000, you are fined one credit.
This not-so-brave new world has outlawed everything “dangerous,” including engaging in kissing and non-VR sex, drinking booze, smoking, eating meat and salt, listening to music that isn’t an advertising jingle, and so on. Even the English language has been sanitized, with tickets automatically issued any time a…
To quote Neil Degrass Tyson: “We reached the High Ground, planted our flag and thumbed our nose at Russia.”
This is supposed to convince those muppets that the landing wasn’t faked? They’ll just say that with today’s technology it’s even easier to fake a landing and create fake images that “proves” the landing happened.
Stranger Things—an eight-part Netflix series that debuts July 15—is set in the 1980s and is heavily influenced by…
Alright, I’ll take the hate. Mad Max Fury Road is not that great of a movie. It’s smart for a blockbuster ‘splosion-fest, but it’s not actually all that smart. It HAS an ecological gimmick, but it doesn’t say anything about it. It HAS a sexist main hero and strong women, but it doesn’t really say anything about…
Man, last night’s episode of The Flash was fun. “Welcome to Earth-2" sent Barry and Cisco to a parallel world where…
The truth is...I am Iron Flamingo.
Maybe he means better in the same way that the trans-continental highway does a better job of moving people from the East Coast to the West than Lewis and Clark did. Sure, it’s slicker, faster, and better, but would it exist at all without the pioneers who blazed the trail and drew the map? I’m being generous here,…
When this novel wins the Hugo and is counted among the best SF novels ever written, maybe we can talk about it doing a “much better job” than Heinlein’s novel. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is a master class in world building and story telling - if you think the latest novel-of-the-month is its better, you’ll be wrong…
Earlier this year, a maintenance worker found a golden scepter in a Jerusalem cemetery. Antiquity experts were…
Nice Putonian shore.
In a case that doctors are describing as “crazy,” a 41-year-old Colombian man was found to host cancerous tapeworm…
Turns out most critters in Oz communicate through the medium of corpses.
Great...more reality tv.