
One of my friends plays DoTA. At least 30 of my friends play LoL, and I knew all these people before LoL and did not introduce them to it.

In real life, I meet people who play LoL all the time. It's kinda scary how frequently. I've never met someone IRL who regularly plays DoTA.

I like how I never see LoL kids randomly posting about how LoL is so much better than DoTA. Presumably because they're not as threatened.

This makes me think a lot of DoTA players are weird.

Heart attacks kill people in their 30s all the time, unfortunately :( Sometimes even healthy people.

And lots of people live REALLY bad lifestyles these days. It's not such an uncommon thing. Sucky.

Yeah, you do come off like a jerk. And have you actually academically researched the health effects of organic food? Sure doesn't sound like it. I have, and what you just said sounds like drivel. Sorry, but not eating organic does not just KILL people. You're not exactly helping your cause when you spout such

Organic eating has nothing to do with being vegan. I don't eat animal products and I never buy organic anything. It's a completely different thing. Just sayin.

Big Bad Warwick? :D Nothing says gender-bender like a wolf in a granny dress...

Why did a comment like this make it through the editor-approved comments system? -_-

I really never have. Shock and horror :o

Oh man, I loved this game. Which says something about the game, I guess, because shortly before getting it I'd been playing greats like Sid Meier's Pirates and Port Royale. This game was not technically as refined, but there was just something so satisfying about the mechanics of it all... Thanks for alerting me to

I loved the atmosphere of Folklore but then the second or third realm I went to (a desert-like place?) I HATED and I couldn't face doing it again so I quit :-|

I wanted to love Folklore. I was so hyped for it. But sometimes, I just hate a level so much... and to make me play it again.. GAH.

How are you still ALIVE, man?!

All the smart gamers just import everything anyway. Doesn't really effect us.

I tried it for a few days, but ultimately thought it one of the most boring games I've tried in a really long time. And I've been sampling a lot of MMORPGs lately.

Any trailer that can make me giggle gets my vote of awesome. The game itself looks less than good, but I'm sure some kids will love it.

Speaking as an Australian... I'm fairly sure you don't know what you're talking about. I don't worry about my game purchases at all. Australia now has a R18+ classification, so the censorship issue is no longer a cause for concern. Video game prices have dramatically dropped in the last few years, and it's easy for

Any idea if the FFXIV: ARR deal will be back? I'm so sad I missed the GMG deal - I had the page up and meant to by it, but got sidetracked. I'm buying two copies, so getting a deal on that game will add up to quite a bit of savings, but I also don't want to miss out on a pre-order. Darnit.

I adore the X-Men mythos, though I've never been much of a comic reader (never seen the movies, either). Buying/collecting comics just seemed like a monumental (and expensive) task for someone like me who is kind of OCD about collection completionism.

My comic book ignorance prevents me from knowing which X-Men team

I'm not sure I'd bother arguing with her, Galaxy. I think this is one of those girls I've semi-frequently encountered who are used to being the only girl in their group and as such have adopted a "I'm one of the bros" attitude to fit in. "Video games are for men and as such should be advertised to men and it's silly

I'd thought that Magic: the Gathering - DotP was some ubernerd thing, so I overlooked it for a while when the first game popped up on the Arcade. Many years and three iterations later, I'm a huge fan of the game, and have converted tons of my friends to it too. I've never met someone who didn't enjoy playing it :) So

The Secret World is half-off ($15) on Amazon today. Not sure when the promo ends. I've been waiting a long time for a good deal on this game and I'm sure a lot of other people have been waiting to pounce as well. Might wanna add it to the list! :D