Exactly. We have child-free friends who constantly pontificate, even though we never bring up our son when we see them. They once referred to him as our new "hobby."
Exactly. We have child-free friends who constantly pontificate, even though we never bring up our son when we see them. They once referred to him as our new "hobby."
And even beyond that, a company shouldn't be able to compell someone to do anything without the customer agreeing to it. Even if they are covering all costs, I shouldn't be required to box up the item and take it somewhere to ship it. My time is important to me, making sure they recoup their financial losses isn't.
If they didn't order the Vita, then by definition the Vita is unsolicited. Had they ordered a Vita and received that Vita and weren't charged for it, then that would fall under solicited.
"I am no lawyer, or British"
"And that a cruel and oppressive dictator whose crimes are well-known, even in China amongst educated people, is still celebrated today."
Do you understand how common this fallacy is? 'Things were better in my day. It's all gone downhill. Kids these days." Well, no. Someone being stabbed to death, with explosions of blood, or decapitated, etc, is just as realistic as as someone sawing their own leg off. The context is irrelevant. Quite in fact, I'd…
No, see? That's the mistake. Age ratings are informative guidelines for parents. There's no indication that small children are impacted in any way by the concept of "hookers". I remember being eight and discussing RoboCop with friends. I remember being twelve and having Terminator 2 be the coolest thing anybody at…
No, I actually didn't. I had parents who took it upon themselves to judge my maturity. They didn't lazily turn to arbitrary rating systems created by middle aged men with limited to no experience in psychology or developmental psychology. Maybe your lazy parents should have taken more of an interest in your cognisance…
I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting. Maybe kids are just more able to distinguish between fantasy and reality over here in Europe.
Translation: "I'm an insufferable prick, why does everyone get upset at me for the dickish things I say?"
So how the fuck does mostly non-white members making a team consist of Affirmative Action? Most people who throw that term around don't even know what it consists of, it's just a blanket statement for their hatred.
Just like "jerk" has become the natural state of the Internet. Check your privilege, homes.
It takes a rich man to afford a $6 burrito that's going to be more filling and healthier than $6 of food from TB?
You just labelled this team "The Affirmative Action Avengers" because three of the members are black.
That's bigotry. Sorry. If you see black skin and your brain immediately sees "The Other" instead of another human being, you are a bigot.
I'm white, but I know bigotry when I see it. It's okay though. Just examine your…
a. Nicely bigoted.
People are trying to be snarky (and failing) while not actually telling you what it is. Chipotle is a US based restaurant chain featuring Mexican inspired foods. However, the big deal is that they serve foods that are hormone & antibiotic free where the animals are free range or at least in bedded pens rather than…
That is such a dumb argument. Nature does not "genetically-modify" things all the time, things naturally evolve by removing generally negative genetic features via natural selection over long periods of time. By introducing our own changes and forcing genetic change over short periods of time, chances are far higher…
I scramble to come up with them and the question of the day 30 seconds before the post goes up.
How fantastic for you, perhaps that should invalidate her experience and thoughts because it's different from yours.