
The few times I've told a drunk guy to 'fuck off' because they were harassing me it got WORSE. One time the guy involved his drunk friends and my boyfriend and I were surrounded by a bunch of screaming, swearing drunk guys all bigger than the both of us.

The words 'fuck off' tend not to be conducive to disarming a

Judging by your posts (which honestly made me feel sick), you are not the kind of person a woman would ever tell about a rape incident. Women who have been sexually assaulted do not walk around with signs on their necks letting people know that 'Warning! Rape Victim Coming Through!'. A lot of women bury it deep, some

Judging by your posts (which honestly made me feel sick), you are not the kind of person a woman would ever tell about a rape incident. Women who have been sexually assaulted do not walk around with signs on their necks letting people know that 'Warning! Rape Victim Coming Through!'. A lot of women bury it deep, some

Great, great game. Worth so much more than it's price. I have three hard copies, one on PC, one on PS2 and one on 360. Haha. $3.75 is a steaaaaaaaal.

I will never ever use GMG again. I purchased FFXIV: ARR Collector's Edition from them, so did my boyfriend. I was never asked what region game I wanted, or warned that I was getting a particular region of the game if I purchased from them.

They sent me an EU game key, but I have a NA region Square Enix account, so I

I learned this trick with my two year old cousin when I babysat her four days a week.

Waterworks about to turn on? Hissy fit incoming?

"Hey, is that a DINOSAUR outside the window? Did you SEE that? I'm going to go look for it!"


While I was researching gaming mice, I read that the Kone XTD was a huge improvement over the build quality/reliability of the +. If you loved your Roccat, it's definitely worth taking a look. I have an XTD myself and love it.

I recently bought a Roccat Kone XTD for my boyfriend and we both LOVE it (we both used Razer and Logitech mice prior to this). Highly recommend Roccat :)

I've commented on the other posts about this, but yes, I agree. I'm two for two $100+ Razer mice that were faulty from the first month of ownership. My first one straight up died about 14 months into owning it, and I've had my newest Razer mouse for 8 months and it's on its last legs. Absolutely do not recommend and

Lack of color saturation and fresh color palettes is very likely my #1 issue with modern video games. I am so tired of washed out blues and greys and browns. Burn them all with fire.

I really wish that MMOs would introduce a time-block method of paying. I'm pretty sure a few have, but I wish it were commonplace. Some weeks I can play a lot, some weeks I can play very little. That knowledge makes it so that I simply don't subscribe to monthly plans, because I don't know how much time I'll be able

People who didn't do much research on buying their gaming mouse and bought what their friends have, I think. No hate on them, that's what I did the first time around - my first gaming mouse was a Razer, too, and I championed it for a while. But then I did a bunch of research on mice and found out there are infinitely

I bought a Roccat Kone XTD a couple months ago and I LOVE it. Best mouse I've ever owned, so far. So responsive and so comfortable and seems so well made. I've recommended it to all my friends ^_^

I've had two Razer mice and I wouldn't recommend them, based on my own experiences and those of my friends who have owned them. My first one (Imperator) lasted about four months before it started having issues (the two most common issues were random DPI drops and loss of connectivity). By the eight month mark it was

If you're a PC gamer, download the free program 'f.lux'. It's a magic program that changes the monitor colors at night to be friendly on the eyes. An optometrist recommended it to me, and it's amazing how much it's helped. I used to get eye-strain a LOT, and even headaches from staring at the screen, but I honestly

My cats are allowed to go outside whenever they like. They have a cat-flap. Two of the three will allow me to do whatever I like to them, no matter how ridiculous. The only one who is slightly touchy is the one who came from an abusive home (I adopted her when she was eight).

You keep insinuating that animals who are

You seem very... confused. I hope you don't have pets.

I thought the exact same thing, haha.