
You will be zero disappointed. When Seinfeld aired for the first time on TV, I was pretty young and didn't understand the jokes. So I assumed I didn't like the show.

I like you.

Except for the loves that aren't fleeting. :)

I don't understand how the article makes the leap from "I'm selling my unused video game collection for money" to "I'm selling my game collection for love". He's growing up and has his own home to live in and furnish - he'd probably have to live on his own and furnish his own place with or without a fiancee. That

He's Australian. Your average new couch can cost $2000-3000 here. I paid $2000 just for my bed - no fancy mattress or anything - and I'm far from rich.

The Himalaya Studios games have literally all been impeccable. I wouldn't doubt the talent and dedication behind the team - they've been responsible for releasing flawless remakes of beloved old games and haven't asked a cent for them. So while I don't trust a lot of Kickstarter devs to follow through on their

Definite shivers.

I was a PC gamer until SNES came out. Then for a while, I played PC games and console games. Late in the Xbox/PS2s lifecycle and for a long time during the 360/PS3s lifecycle, I was almost exclusively a console gamer.

I'm a female and I recently started streaming on Twitch, after playing with a few friends who streamed and finding that a lot of their viewers were asking to see my stream.

You forgot the part where 90% of men streaming on Twitch.TV also have webcams set up. And there are a hell of a lot more men streaming on Twitch than women. Are the dudes also camwhores, according to you? Why would you ever feel inclined to call someone a whore? Do you realize that makes you a not very nice person?

I am buying *so* many of those.

People should try to remember that North Koreans are not the North Korean government. The average North Korean is probably as terrified and disgusted by such a thing as we are. As a rule, we shouldn't ever forget the difference between an individual and a government/nation.

Heavily disagree. As a long-time artist myself, I think the lines and placement are quite skilled, considered it's such a simple and brief drawing. The watercolor version is drawn in the exact same style, just with more detailed line weights. I can't see where a person would come to the conclusion that the picture has

Twice I played that tutorial level (the castle siege) and then, after completing it, didn't touch the game for a long time. It was clunky and boring as all hell.

I MISS games with style and personality and color. Thank you, Ni No Kuni <3

1000% agreed. I wrote a reply to this but it got so long I figured I should post it as a regular comment instead. But yes, agreed!


Not true at all. I guess there are masochists who walk around looking to offended, but I find life stressful enough without looking for additional things to be stressed about.

Thanks for your intelligence. That's exactly how I read it too.

Don't think there's a sexism issue in the gaming community? Easy to find out. Just go to any Kotaku article that has a woman speaking up on behalf of her gender, and see how many responses it has compared to every other comment on the article. For an additional entertaining activity, count how many of those responses