@Bard of Awen: This gets my vote! Thanks for showing me a new artist - her style is absolutely up my alley.
@Bard of Awen: This gets my vote! Thanks for showing me a new artist - her style is absolutely up my alley.
@bakagaijin: Most of the positive hands-on impressions I've read on Dance Central began with "I don't like to dance" or something along those lines. I wouldn't knock it til you've tried it!
@crazycaveman: I'm a pretty big board game person. Two I'm really enjoying right now are Pandemic and San Juan (which I guess is actually a card game). I tend to prefer deeper gameplay and 'events' in my games (though Pandemic and San Juan aren't shining examples of that).
@InAnimateAlpha: Lol yeah, it actually did. I grinded a TON while I was on the Ark, probably for like 16 hours? And I ran around Gran Pulse a fair amount too. I do seem to have taken a lot longer than most people to get to Chapter 12 though - I'm not sure why, I didn't leave my game running while I wasn't playing or…
@PS1: My first 70 hours of playtime felt like doing my homework - I was only playing for the sake of finishing something I started. I only really began to enjoy myself sometime after Chapter 12 - which really isn't a good thing.
@worsethannormal: The developers embarked on the project with full knowledge of the fact - it was absolutely a labor of love, with no intent to profit whatsoever :) I'm sure the pleasure they get from giving KQ fans a little nostalgia is totally worth it to them.
@DrakeDatsun: You're quite right. Sorry, it was like 6am Australia time when I wrote that post, I should have gone with my gut and not attempted any form of communication while I was that tired.
@Macotti: And there are millions of animals that die every day because we spend so much time and resources finding cures for humans. That's nice and all, but it's wonderful to be able to celebrate new medical options for our beloved pets.
@Chux: Much love for making the right choice. It disgusts me how many people take the 'easy way out' by just giving up on their pets in the face of injury and having them put down. It's horrifying how many vets are so quick to suggest the option, even.
@corme: I believe critical acclaim refers to something panned by critics as being very well done. This is different to commercially successful/popular. So, Beyond Good and Evil received great reviews, but didn't sell well to the general public. Cult classic can still apply, though :P
@khronos: Couldn't have named a more fitting game! The art of Curse of Monkey Island is nostalgic yet timeless.
@obiwanmccoley: Pretty much on the money with everything there.
I love RPGs. Even action-RPGs. I loved Fable. I was greatly excited for Fable II because I loved the original, and because it had co-op announced. Then Fable II came out and I was very, very upset at the glowing orb/generic henchman 'multi-player'.
@Taggart6: That's weird, I ended up becoming a lesbian because I couldn't find a single semi-decent looking man. I married two busty prostitutes.
If a truly good multiplayer RPG experience comes out of this, I will be the happiest girl in the world. I really feel like there is a lot more space for cooperative RPGs, particularly open-world ones.
@scrapking: There's a blast from the past! <3 Weird Al.
I really don't get how aiming a 'shooter' with motion controls is snicker-worthy... people have been having a blast using 'guns' in arcades for years, and RE4 was perhaps the most enjoyable shooter experience I've had.
@legerrid: It won't surprise me if a company like Samsung starts going all-out on 3DTVs, and starts selling them for cheaper too.
Can someone tell me what happened to 'Milo'? For some reason I thought he was going to be some kind of game, or at least the virtual 'spokesperon'. But I haven't heard anything about it in over a year - did Microsoft scrap everything Milo related or was he never meant to stick around anyway?
@K-Dogg 3000: I have played through Morrowind many times and it's definitely one of my favourite games of all time. I agree with you about Oblivion - it seems incredibly dumbed down compared to Morrowind, and not nearly as open. The game is completely missing the exhilarating exploration - there is no rush of fear…