
That’s easier said than done, though. Games on the scale of Morrowind take far more effort and money than they did in the 90s, because technology has progressed faster than revenue. Not to mention how tons of games only exist because they utilize third party tools and engines, and developers only have so much control

As someone who has loved the series since SR2, SR2022 is basically just... more Saints Row, and I am totally fine with that.

I feel like a lot of the people trashing it have some sort of rose-tinted memories of the older SR games, or expected them to continue the level of craziness in SR4/GOH even though they

Honestly, I find the reaction everyone is having to it exhausting. It’s so excessive, it feels a lot like when people pile on the “twitter main character of the day”
Heck, people can’t even agree on what is the problem. Some people apparently latched on to the idea that people don’t ever talk to themselves/have inner

Charles Martinet was right there

I’m still a bit baffled as to why people are complaining about the larger number of probably barren worlds. Fallout and Elder Scrolls both always, always, always have minor locations filled with almost nothing good or interesting, this is no different, it’s just on a larger scale.Skyrim had dozens of caves and

I don’t think what Dave Chapelle has said or done is hatred towards trans people. Just like when he makes jokes about white people it’s not hate.

I don’t really understand the obsession with exclusives. The vast majority of games are multiplatform. Surely you’d be interested in at least some of those? There’s certainly no shortage of games to play.

And my contention is that such responses are a sad result of a century of brainwashing by corporations.

Firstly, literally dozens of such sites exist, lifting Kotaku’s content,so yes, technically you could. My favourites are ones like these:

but it will never escape the comparisons to Link’s Awakening, which probably is going to hurt them when it comes to consumers buying it.

Im fairly certain that's called juxtaposition and is an extremely common form of parody that has been around for centuries if not Millenia.

I agree. I’ve been breezing through Recruit no problem EXCEPT for The Crossing.

I mean... these are just ads.

What? FO76 is basically FO4 with co-op. If you don’t like MTX, don’t buy them? I’ve put over 300 hours into the game and haven’t spent a penny beyond the initial purchase price. You can earn plenty of Atoms by completing challenges and through the seasonal Scoreboards.

Not really?

It’s probably for the people who really enjoyed the original, if I had to guess. It’s probably also for people who never experienced the original. It might also be for people who thought the original was a little rough around the edges.

To be fair, your opinion is basically “It sucks that Saints Row isn’t over the top anymore.”, after a reveal trailer that was, to be frank, over the top.

But why does it have outdo itself? THAT is what makes this take bad. Your take is “it’s either all or nothing”, and life is not that binary. There’s room for shades of gray. Maybe they pull back the throttle from SR4 and go to the sense of humor of 2 or 3. That can still be incredibly fun and silly and take the piss

A balance between 2 and 3 would be perfect. Them going back to 1's tone would be insane.

You know, for  somebody that likes to call out other people for being crappy, you’re not so great yourself.