
He's wrong.

Girl Scout cookies do not turn people into lesbians.

Girl Scout cookies turn people into diabetic lesbians.

It's been proven. Duh.

YES!!! Great plan, fundy whack-jobs! Buy the cookies, and then scribble out all the GSA references on the boxes! BRILLIANT. Buy them ALL!! Seriously.

And this wasn't the first time he'd managed to get out of marrying this lady, if I recall correctly. I wonder what her thought process is like.

But PLEASE give them their privacy.

As a man I can go out and get shitfaced to my heart's content and not have to worry about whether I'm somehow contributing to my own rape. Why should women have to change their entire behaviors so that they have less of a chance of becoming a victim? There are lots of reasons not to go out and get shitfaced, but if

Went on a date from online trauma site... He was most vociferous I must be a size 12 or less. Being size 12 I wasn't perturbed, thought he was a bit odd though. Anyway I showed up, he was 6 inches shorter than me (yes he lied) and was both overweight and much older than he claimed to be. Wtf! Why lie? Was he thinking

American Airlines introduced me to 30 Rock. But that barely, BARELY, makes up for their other atrocities of programming.

As someone who has worked in Africa (Rwanda specifically, because Africa is a big, non-homogenous continent) for a long time, I actually don't want her to go to Africa. Too many privileged white people use Africa and Africans as a path to self-discovery and people get hurt because of it. She's clearly too ignorant to

Also, when unemployed boyfriend finally does get a job they'll likely *not* want to start paying for their 1/2 of things as they earned "their" money and it's not "fair" of you to suddenly demand they pay for things that you've been paying for all along. Besides, they already spent their whole paycheque on a mountain

Ugh, I've hated the "boobies" and "tatas" stuff from the start. I feel like it trivializes the seriousness of cancer. It's about saving LIVES. Those words may get peoples' attention, but they sound silly, like little kids giggling because they said a "bad" word.

You mean those Scientologists wanted something in exchange for that personality test? It wasn't really free?

Reminds me of a time at a college party where I had been drinking and dancing with a guy, maybe a kiss here or there. Then it was time to leave and he starts yelling about me leaving him with blue balls. "You're just going to leave, huh?!?!"

I said "Yep!" and went home. The shocked look on his face was priceless. Very

Yeah, they don't realize that talking to me is free. Personality and interesting-ness determines the rest. Buying me a drink is irrelevant.

My current boss/former boyfriend is OBSESSED with that book.***

Yup. When someone buys me a drink, I say thanks, but I also act as if it was perfectly normal for people to buy me drinks, and it doesn't entitle them to anything more than anyone else.

decent human beings = crazed activists.

I've wondered that too. Can any dudes weigh in? you actually expect a woman to jump into bed with you after you yell "NICE TITS" at her?