
HAHAHA that reminds me of a bit Louis C.K. does. The one where he's like "Being a white guy is great! And it's literally the greatest thing to be throughout history! You can get in a time machine, go to any time period, and being a white guy is the best! But don't go to the future. Because you know we got that

Um...he does know that in 1955, as a Jew, he'd probably be accused of being a dirty Commie Soviet spy or some such accusation, right? 1955 would not have been kind to him, I don't think. Just goes to show that he still really doesn't get it.

Well, right, it was the irony - I'm not saying this was a flaw on the part of the show. The fans aren't getting the irony by thinking that he is noble, or that the ends justify the means, or whatever. So they hate on Skylar who, like any wife, would be COMPLETELY against Walt being involved in this shit, instead of

Oh well there goes my next 6 hours. When my rent cheque bounces because I haven't been working, I'm sending the bills to you, Jezebel.

I've been waiting ALL DAY for the Jezebel response. I knew as soon as I saw the headline that it would end up here.

I took those classes and I was petrified when I accidentally inhaled some Elmer's craft glue because glue sniffing would kill you stone dead. I actually told on someone for sniffing paste.

Ah, life lessons the Bluth way.

Save the boobies! Because if I didn't have these sweet tits my life would not be worth saving! Thank goodness it's my rack rotting from the inside out and not my colon, tee hee! That's not sexy!

I've actually started to like Gwyneth recently, but I loooovvvveeeee dirt.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. The next person that claims they are helping people with cancer because of this kind of bullshit, or reposting some crap on facebook is getting kicked in the neck. You know what would help people with cancer? Giving blood. Giving platelets. Donating bone marrow to someone that does not

I used to participate in the Komen 3Day, back when their finances were monitored by Philanthropic Trust. As soon as they ousted them I got out, that was just sketchy in my book. Why do you not want your spending made public? Oh because then people will see where your profits really go? To the high end hotels and

This is exactly what bothers me about it. They're "raising money for a good cause", but depending on what they're doing with those donations, it might not really be making any difference.

"But the best one? She had me box up her deceased husband's undergarments to be shipped to his family"

I think these may be the same people who don't understand what "apology" means, so we'll no doubt be hearing soon that they're "sorry if anyone was offended by their pranks."

And Dee dancing with the inflatable man!

It's not a single youtube video. Do you deny that there is a whole "movement" of "breast cancer awareness" that reduces the entire complexion of the disease so, "yay titties!" Do you deny that such an attitude misrepresents the scope of the issue and implies that only hot boobs are boobs worth "saving"?

Gee, good thing there's not a full-fledged person with CANCER attached to those breasts. Otherwise this would be horribly offensive.

Their idea of humor appears to be "it's funny cause we say it's funny." Anyone who refuses to pretend to find it funny is "taking it out of context."

The other day I went to a fight and hockey game broke out...

Or, you know, you could just give money to charity, not tell anybody, and not be a disgusting asshole.