I'm a man. Most of my friends are men. We discuss women often, and often in ways that would make a lot of the commenters here at Jezebel quite angry with us.
I'm a man. Most of my friends are men. We discuss women often, and often in ways that would make a lot of the commenters here at Jezebel quite angry with us.
Can someone tell this woman to shut the fuck up? Not because she's a wife going through a divorce, but because she had tons of opportunities after the tragedy to tell people that he's violent with a violent temper and did nothing. And now because they're getting divorced she wants sympathy?
Sorry, my emotions are…
I'm really not sure how it's appealing to anyone. My wife and I start yelling at our TV when they insist on revisiting this plotline. Not only is it obnoxious he keeps doing it despite being turned down every time, it's extra obnoxious since you know they don't end up together.
"he was a man who acted like a woman."
I've watched every episode of the series so far and Ted doesn't get any better. In the episodes you watched, you saw him trying to win over Robin. Well, he gives up and eventually tries again. They date a while, break up and it's established that she is not the mother (Actually... wasn't that established in the pilot?…
I think the problem is they're not dealing with death. They are ignoring it and making it all about them. They are shitheads.
I hope they put "sexual adventuress" on my headstone. Whether or not it turns out to be true. It sounds hilarious.
I'd eat that cereal then poop on her very expensive stoop.
That logic reminds me of the South Park episode where all the parents send their children into exile to make sure they don't get abducted.
I'm a TA for a bunch of college classes and those cute little baby names sure do haunt a kid for life.
Oh, I've spent HOURS on the imagery of Alien and the series in general. I still say that the first film is the best sci fi horror movie ever made. It's just so amazingly done, from the lighting to the rarely-shown xenomorph. It helped to have Geiger on board for extra creepiness.
Yes, we're judging.
Well, thanks for that shudder inducing mind image.
"Laughter is the best medicine."
Even for the quotes that are right, it's still pretty despicable that football teams (I'm sure the Browns aren't the only one) use quotes by people that were probably said in the context of fighting slavery or apartheid and not worried about defending Terrell Suggs on 3rd-and-long.
I'd like to add to that list that trust is one of those things.
But of course you'd never hear anyone say "Well if women just stopped trusting men then they wouldn't get raped."
When I was date raped I was shocked when people were in aw of the fact I wasn't blaming myself. I did get a lot of people saying why did you…
I CANNOT stand this kind of Southern apologist nonsense. "Oh, but most slave owners treated their slaves like family or children." "Slaves were too expensive to mistreat." "Slavery would have ended on it's own eventually." Etc., etc. BULL. SH*T.
For one thing, it's not true. Hey, maybe there were some slave owners who…