
Yeah, I'm sure this dude had a girlfriend in high school. Except she lived in Canada. He met her at camp. You wouldn't know her. But she totally exists.

Can we just make it a rule that you can't use the word "nice" to describe yourself without a third party verification process?

I thought Catfish the Movie was contrived, too. Oh, two aspiring filmmakers who eventually directed two reality/home-movie style Paranormal films just so happened to innocently fall into an internet scam while trying to film a career-sparking documentary? Lol k.


The movie isn't real.

This gif sums up my feelings:

Larry Summers saw this coming, as did almost everyone in DC weeks ago, when the White House leaked that he was no longer being considered for the job.

I wasn't even thinking of The Graduate (was thinking more straight comedy) but that is a great example. You can even show up at her WEDDING and get her. Don't mind that other guy!

That's the thing with opportunity in the real world. Someone can get you in the door, but you have to actually care enough to make yourself shine. Parents who hover do their kids a disservice here too. If the kid never has to work for anything, why would they start doing so when it actually matters?

I found out later he actually had been in the hospital - for a bowel obstruction.

Like, what's the end game there? Eventually, you're going to notice that A) he never has any doctors appointments, and B) that he isn't dead.

I think this guy had a psychotic break. Seriously. This is terrifying. I'm less inclined to think he is a douche and more inclined to suggest that he has, at best, a severe personality disorder.

Seriously. My mother and sister fall for this stuff all the time. Snackwells. Check. My mother would buy vast quantities in fear they might sell out again. Olean. Check. Anal leakage be damned! Skechers. Check. Nevermind that they were so unstable my sister nearly broke her ankle just trying to walk on them.

The problem with it is that he's saying it to her, like it she should take notice. In your instance, the woman who likes beards is not saying it to him. part of the problem is that sometimes a woman does not need to hear what your preferences are, she'll survive without them. in other words, did she ask?

youre a fucking idiot.

It also seriously trivializes the reasons why women feel that their looks, features, etc. are ugly. Oh great, ONE GUY said he liked this one thing that the rest of society penalizes me for or tells me I should change. How comforting. And, yes, it's so comforting that when the rest of society gets me down, I can know

Well put.

I think its funny that men either ignore or do not consciously realize how much a woman's conventional good looks (or lack thereof) affect how she is treated by all of society and in every facet of her life. I was an ugly teenager— no two ways about it, just awkward and ugly. Its funny because now that I'm older and

I'm just dying to hear what he wrote about the absent men who comprise the missing half for all those "single mothers with children"...I'm sure he spent even more time excoriating them...right?

This is exactly what it is - I'm very blunt, and a lot of people don't like me. But the ones that do? REALLY like me. I guess it's a fair trade off.