Well yeah, but the real questions they are asking is "How can I make a 23-year-old want to marry me?" and "How can I make a guy stay with me while remaining hypersensitive?"
Well yeah, but the real questions they are asking is "How can I make a 23-year-old want to marry me?" and "How can I make a guy stay with me while remaining hypersensitive?"
I have a lady friend who is super sensitive and takes things weirdly personally as well. The other day, after she was complaining again about not being able to develop and maintain friendships with people where she lives, I just gave her some tough love and told her that she needs to stop expecting people to be so…
No one actually can categorize anything as technically 'bad' or 'wrong' until Americans get upset about it from watching slow motion YouTube videos set to sad music. That is actually in the Geneva Convention.
NFL: The same organization that spent 20+ years trying to discredit research that proved getting hit in the head repeatedly by huge men caused concussion/brain damage.
I've been single for most of the last 7 years, and in that time, I had longer-lasting and more committed relationships with poeple with whom I shared an off-line connection. This includes a co-worker, a friend-of-a-friend, and a woman I met online who just so happened to be the daughter of my mom's best friend.
"Personally, I think of crappy behavior as a gift. This person is showing me exactly who he is. I want to know that so I can get the hell away from him"
That baby in the black dress reminds me of the one from Pet Semetary and if anyone lets it out it will want to play a game with us. I know how that game ends.
They are so awesome. My personal favorite is, "Pregnant women are smug...".
He set her up on a bunch of dates, but the dudes were INFINITELY nicer than regular dating. Nothing worked out, but I realized if the person you're dating also knows your parents or family members or boss or mutual friends, you're probably going to act a hell of a lot nicer than you would to someone on Match.
While this is completely evil I should probably admit that I laughed when I noticed the green cycle that said 60% of women feel ugly after crying. Like, what the fuck?
Cheap Candian wiskey is that guy who says he's going to come over and rehang that door for you but never does.
Because sluts?
or boner pills.
But the children! The children! Won't somebody think of the children!
That's a terrible password.
I personally don't have a problem with a man calling himself a feminist. But what matters is if his actions reflect him calling himself a feminist If he's one of those types who's all talk and no action, then nope, he's not a feminist no matter what he says. And trust me, I've met my fair share of men like this. They…
It seems like the solution to all of this is to not give your 6 year old your Apple password. Just a thought.
Hugs! Luckily I haven't had any horrible boyfriends but I (34) verge on the celibate side of things for the last decade (mostly) and haven't had any serious boyfriends in eons. My younger brother and his wife, together for 14 years, married for 7, and luckily having a baby in January (so excited!), have taken a lot of…