
100%. No doubt in my mind that this is the case. He wanted to give up parental rights so he wouldn't have to pay child support, but thought he would still be able to be Fun Dad whenever he felt like it if the child was with the mother. No pity for him.

They like to think everything, including the date, was their idea. So if you ask them out, their peckers shrivel up and fall off and.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz

I didn't say they were nice rejections, either. At least one included insinuations that I was easy, that I was too masculine, or that asking "wasn't my place". There are men who object to it and who really don't like it.

Same here! When people start yelling, I tune out. For the same reason. They yell, I shut down, they become infuriated, but usually realize they won't get a response from me until they stop screaming. I guess that's one advantage of a screamer for a parent.

This could never work. He is a comedian, and Gwyneth doesn't have a sense of humor.

Oh man. Thanks for this. My recent ex just did essentially this - we hadn't gotten to the proposal stage yet, but I assumed it was coming because of allllll the conversations we'd had about kids, etc. His explanation was that he'd never planned on having a long-term relationship and was surprised he'd sustained a

I get what you're saying, the Capitol is a comment on our own consumer culture that is validated by the fact that we are clamouring to consume this too. Selling these fashions is undeniably completely counter to the very real message of the story. I wonder how the author feels about it?

I wanna add before people say

Two things:

"FYI I'm married now, and he's still single. He still pretty mad at me too even though we split awhile ago. No idea why. He wanted out"

Ugh, this. When the last recession hit, all my friends were in the oilfield. The females sucked it up and took shitty, low paying jobs because they needed to pay the bills... the men pretty much refused and decided that living on Unemployment Insurance was preferable. Such bullshit.

That has been a big problem. Buddies of mine have had a hard time catching on to the fact that those other "masculine" jobs are gone, and they need to start adapting or sink. There has been talk among the fellas regarding this, and there are different opinions/views but they all come down to old school BS patriarchy:

You can see the men working. There's a line cook in the photo.

And 98% of waitressing jobs are reserved for women who look like models.

I still love How I Met Your Mother, but Ted is my least favorite character. I often find myself wondering what kind of man would tell his children about his numerous sexual adventures before he met their mom.

So this guy wants someone who will tell him what to do and then convince him to change his mind if he doesn't want to do it? And that's what he thinks a committed partner would do?

It's not sexist to advocate for a woman when women are under represented. There's a lack of women in higher positions in our government despite them being 50% of the population. More women in higher positions in government, from a equal representation perspective, is a good thing.

.....What?? Dude, maybe you should take some responsibility for making decisions like a grown-ass adult and not whining that another person isn't making decisions for you that you like better. Like, maybe she's not bothering with that because you're not a 5 year-old who needs someone to tell him that actually, he

From the minute I laid eyes on these two, it stuck out like dogs' balls that they were angling for either a book or a film deal, which made for an inordinately disingenuous vibe. Fast forward 1-2 years, and I anticipate finding *40 Days of Dating* alongside *What To Expect When You're Expecting* and *He's Just Not

I think a great example of a male character turned female is Ripley in Alien. The character of Ripley was originally conceived as male, and written as such in the script. Two of the producers decided to cast a woman in the role, to make help it stand out from other sci-fi movies of the time. Sigourney Weaver's