
Although totally different in tone, THIS is why it reminds me so much of Seinfeld, the ignobility and self-absorption of the characters.

Dee on Dads:

Came here to say just that. "The guys would be a mess without her" isn't a signifier of a woman's competence in a show, it means she's the mom in the paper towel commercials. You know, the one who smiles, shakes her head fondly, and cleans up the mess of the kids, husband, and dog without a word.

It's so weird to watch the first couple of episodes (seriously, they ditched this idea pretty much immediately) where Dee is a normal person compared to the rest of the gang. Best decision the show ever made.

Second best decision was to make Charlie illiterate. That joke has had limitless payoff.

This, just so much.

In my career, I have seen SO many cases of people (99% of them men) who consistently "fall upward" despite being raging incompetents with maladjusted personalities. As far as I can tell, it's a combination of making friends with the right people and knowing how to do good PR for yourself.

So when did the NYT Style Section pass the trend-stories-that-are-completely-improbable-and-almost-certainly-total-bullshit-but-hey!-rich-people! torch to NBC News?

Ahhh, but you see, they're not really for personal inspiration. They're to plaster all over your social media accounts so people know JUST how dedicated/motivated/interesting/hardworking/better than them you are.

Laura, I figured this might be an okay time to ask:

Isn't kissing or grabbing a stranger considered assault?

They all have very similar skeletal frames, as well. Very narrow shoulders and hips, longer legs and a shorter (but still proportionate) torso... there's so little variance.

She looks like Janice right? Not snarky, she's a pretty lady, but there is definitely a Janice vibe going on.

All of these are so, so beautiful. I wish I were fabulously wealthy and had places to wear them instead of just the gas station and Walmart.

Those white girls who are pissed should probably quit rather than comment anonymously.

exactly... if she had declined to rent to them it would have been all "We are professionals, of legal drinking age, have been voting for years, and above all RESPONSIBLE ADULTS {insert foot stomp}. How DARE you say our age implies a lack of maturity and respect {another foot stomp for good measure}!! My father will

And the Lakers have already deleted the tweet. Although I think they've made things a little worse. Check out their feed now:

Jesus Christ!

That list is 233 words long.

What were the other 131 words?

Herp and derp?

If you haven't already, or if anyone finds points like this interesting, Chris Hayes' Twilight of The Elites visits similar arguments about the problems with meritocracy.


Ana Kasparian brings up reproductive rights as her first example of a feminist issue when she's berating Patricia, but the so-called "feminist" sitting to the right of her is on record as being anti-choice when it comes to abortion. Hey, Meghan, maybe there's more to being a feminist than what your iPhone dictionary