But that's not a movie that would get picked up by Lifetime or Hallmark!
But that's not a movie that would get picked up by Lifetime or Hallmark!
This is my impression as well. Either they don't remember the incidents at all, they vaguely remember the events but don't recall there being any ill intent, or they acknowledge and shrug and say sorry without really processing why what they did sucked.
You know, the best way to truly stick it to her is to find out what school her kid attends, and then volunteer to be a guest speaker where you share your experiences being bullied in 8th grade, and how you were able to overcome them to have this glamorous life. Give specific examples without naming names, imagining…
Her music really is perfect for Top 40 stations — catchy but bland enough that you don't notice that you're hearing a song for the 3rd time in two hours. I don't mind her music, it's her personal belief that she's iconic and groundbreaking and a ~*REAL REBEL*~ that irks me. If she just kept churning out two and a…
Yes! I had to school my dad in this. He really thinks it's a totally awesome, I bet I made-her-day thing to tell an attractive server that's she's really beautiful and he has a son who would no doubt love to date a girl as pretty as her, is she single? [let's not even mention how much this bothers my brother,…
Wow, thanks for the concern-troll and missing the point.
History: JFK fucked around with countless women, including Marilyn Monroe.
If people can't tell the difference between general racism and your satire, you did the satire wrong. "Failing at art" is better than "being a huge racist" in the PR machine, so they use the excuse to cover their asses.
if you've asked why it's okay for him to tease others, what was the response? o.O i'd love to know.
He should have known what he was getting into by joining Twitter and being a person on the internet. It's his own fault really. Also, those glasses are really provocative, so he was definitely asking for attention. Next time, just don't go on Twitter if you don't want to be judged on your looks. What a whore....
"I like that you're not cute like most of the cats you see on the Internet. It sets you apart in a way."
These Yale dudes are getting away with murder.
Oh my god. This feels like every argument online.
If you removed "obligatory love interest who adds nothing to the plot whatsoever" roles from the list, I bet speaking roles would be down to 20%.
I've never understood this argument. Can we not prosecute Penn State at the same time as other major offenders? Why does it have to be one or the other? It's not a contest. (Besides these institutions are under vastly different jurisdictions. It's not a fair comparison.)
When I bought my couch, the saleswoman told me that when she bought her first car she made her friends throw her a car shower, with gifts like maps and first-aid kits and cleaning products and other stuff you need for your car. She said she'd been to a thousand bridal showers and baby showers and as far as she was…
Or you can save my fiance and I a trip to the bad end of town and just send us drugs. Thank you.
They're getting a fondue set with no receipt and no indication where it came from. It will be one of three my wife and I received 28 years ago and never opened.