
The good news is that thanks to their financial planning seminar, they can call in sick to their other job.

There is no way to say "you're doing the right thing" and not be judgemental. That person has determined on their own that a) there is a right thing and a wrong thing and b) which of those two the person is doing. This was a judgemental thing to do.

I'm sorry... did we date the same guy? O_O

Oooo, the "crazy" ex-GF. Any discussion involving dudes' relationships will include this, eventually.

Did they control for the fact that a large portion of men refuse to go see their normal medical doctor unless they are impaled by some manly foreign object, such as rebar or several large nails? Let alone go see a psychiatrist/therapist.

Did you get bored with life under the bridge?

My high school English teacher wanted to throttle Alanis for this reason. It seems silly, but that song was HUGE and it had a genuine impact on students who were being taught a completely different definition of irony in the classroom.

I'm pretty sure right now 'literally' is literally the most misused word in the English language. I misuse it all the time, because I think slang is hilarious.

"I'm a humanist; I object whenever anyone is treated unfairly." In my experience that has meant: I fail to grasp the concept that internal biases affect how different people are treated, how structural oppression works, or how each person doesn't walk into a situation as a blank slate.

best part: the cutie curly whispering "you're welcome"

I was thinking he may not really know much outside the Cone of Timberlake. Anything outside of it is probably boring and not his concern. He want's to see you naked at the end of this song.

That is how and why celebrities—especially performers—either die fast and quiet or crash and burn. There were meetings about that single. How many writers and producers ouched that single? How many execs hears that or signed off on it? How many entourage-types knew of its existence? If literally nobody is willing to

I don't know if it's so much about being 'scared' about calling it off, just that... it's Justin Timberlake's next single. Those decisions are made carefully and based on what will have most mass appeal (aka, make the most money.)

Yeah, can you imagine having to be the one to pipe up to Justin Timberlake's team that he has to rename his single? I doubt they would care if they knew (and someone probably did.) It's a shitty excuse but they probably thought or would have thought it was better to ask forgiveness than permission.

Okay, I guess I am the only person unsurprised that a bunch of celebrities and people-that-work-for-celebrities didn't know what Take Back the Night was.... mostly because I'm pretty certain most normals don't even know what it is unless their college did it. And even then, they'd have to be paying attention. But I

I don't know if it's so hard to believe that Timberlake himself didn't know about it, seeing as he never attended college (where I first became familiar with the group) and he's not really a political activist anyway...but it's unbelievable that none of the people working for his record label, his management, his

I think my dad has the perfect answer to the Paula Deen disaster:

What should we have for dinner tonight? Chinese? Thai? Indian? Hell, it all tastes great.

Or unpaid internships. Or unpaid overtime with threats of firing due to unattainable productivity standards.

In the same vein, I hate how one of the first questions people ask upon meeting is "So, what do you do?" They never mean "What do you do for fun?" or "What do you do that's fulfilling to you?" but instead "What do you do for money?" As if that can tell you anything about what a person's like.