
Yup, I insisted on the same thing when we bought our place a couple of years ago. I don't know if it works like this, but I wondered what would happen if we split up and there was no history of me living anyplace for X years because legally I would have been living in someone else's house. Would landlords consider me

Seconded, thirded, whatever! From seeing the headline with the pic on the front page, the first thought in my head was that these were the players accused. Reason took over afterwards when I thought about the chances of the 4 players being accused being right next to each other in an action shot, but the

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (washington dc), I worked for a PR company whose client, the DC HIV/AIDS Administration, wanted to run bus shelter ads to encourage people to get tested. So instead of paying for stock footage, the PR firm asked for volunteers from the staff to represent various race/gender

I had a similar experience, only we ended up actually getting married. He never loved me, he was only using me and I fell for it. I finally realized it about 6 months into the marriage and left his sorry ass. Now, I'm suspicious of pretty much everything my boyfriend says to me. And I hate it.

My son is kinda an asshole sometimes but its only because he's learned to be really sarcastic from me. He often tells me not to judge him, and one time when I asked him why he insists on throwing all of his blankets OFF his bed every night before he goes to bed, he replied "I don't know, that's just what I like to do.

I think the phrase "with respect" comes from barristers, who say it to indicate that they respect opposing counsel but they're about to rip their argument to shreds.

I think the perception of "white savior complex" says more about our society then the people who do that actual adopting in most circumstances. We view interracial adoptions as having an objective instead of being selfless.

There is a black market in many of these countries. Babies are stolen or coaxed away from their parents and placed in adoption farms. As long as there's a demand from prospective American parents, this unethical economy will continue to flourish; Americans should think long and hard before contributing to this

I mostly do agree with you, but I have no issue with Americans adopting babies from China, especially baby girls, because so many baby girls are simply discarded because boys are preferable. They would likely not be adopted in their own country.

I would like to adopt some day. We're having trouble conceiving, and my family has a history of adoption, with both an aunt and a cousin adopted on my mother's side. But approaching adoption, you are presented with a confusing mass of ethical questions. A lot of organizations seem to discourage interracial

My heart will go on, y'all, but I'm not so sure about my pancreas.

When I worked at Starbucks I had to go to a daylong training session, which happened to be run by a pregnant woman. She told us in no uncertain terms that a.) we are not doctors and therefore not qualified to comment on ANY customer's caffeine intake, and b.) God help whoever tried to deprive her of her OB-approved

How sad. I had a friend in high school who felt the same way. I think in her case though, it was more that she was a "surprise!" baby when they already had 4 kids. Wait midwest... you could be her! :)

I'm not. It gives them the benefit of being treated like a hero for being decent (just see the accolades heaped on any comment on an article like this that begins, I'm a guy, and I would never rape an unconscious girl! — you'd think he just reinvented the polio vaccine or something), and the added bonus of knowing

The moral of this story is that gays and lesbians are exactly like straight people and just as likely to be insane and petty over wedding things as anyone else.

Starting at 10, I used to take a bus to Tyson's Corner, connect to the one to Ballston, take the subway to the National Mall and spend the whole day rubbing myself looking at airplanes at 'Air and Space' or in the Museum of Natural History. Delivering the Washington Post and mowing lawns gave me the money and parents

I have a theory about this. We are only the "worst tourists ever" because a) we speak English and everyone can understand us b) we are so goddamn loud

Similar situation with me. But my "Molly" actually encouraged his abusive behavior under the guise of "relationship advice."

I thought Lucius Fox destroyed this at the end of the movie.

I have never in my life seen as many "Ugly Americans" as I did on the plane from the US to Haiti.