Can you Jezzies help me out here?
1) Guy told me his mother killed herself because she regretted having him. According to his dad, said mother was alive. This guy told me she was living in a mental institution. (Upon typing this, that second part might not even be accurate. I'm not sure.)
If he thought he actually was having a legit friendship/relationship with Hot Songwriter Girl, why did he film it from the beginning?
This might be a dumb question.
"It was just a joke!"
He's probably one of those guys who thinks that because he doesn't beat women or isn't openly hostile to them that he's a "nice" guy on every other issue.
I never thought the movie Catfish was actually real. It seemed way too far-fetched (even in the context of this show).
Because they're not thinking of the other person; they're only thinking of themselves and their immediate needs. I can assure you, not ONCE did this guy ever ask himself, "How would my fiancee feel if she finds out I committed a crime instead of booking a venue?" No. He's thinking, "I will do/say whatever it takes…
Some people are like that. Yes eventually they will be found out, but all they care about is the short-term stuff. They wanted everything to be okay right now so they'll do/say whatever it takes. Maybe you'll forget everything else they committed themselves to?
That's sad. He should have done what my ex did: say whatever it takes to keep the relationship going, watch as bride's family plunks down thousands of dollars, and THEN bail when groom's family has to plunk down money that said groom already agreed to pay.
Why? Because of the way Obama clung to Summers even in the face of all damning evidence? At least that's what I was thinking...
I see your point. I would say she will be "a" powerful woman because of her new position and how much control she'll have over banks, interest rates, the financial sector, etc. But no, she is not "the" most powerful woman.
Because those guys think they're all John Cusack in "Say Anything." It can never be that a woman just doesn't like him; she needs to be convinced that she does "deep down."
Did you ever take principles of logic?
My mom told my sister to marry someone and get pregnant. If she wasn't happy, she could always divorce him in the end.
Fair enough, but all of us work full-time and have lives. I'm not going to dig up my vaccine proof from 1980, and I sure as shit am not going to dig up the other shots I've had over the years. I had to produce it to get my college transcripts; I'm not going to do it for her. I highly doubt other people had the time…
A good example of that is The Graduate. How many times did Elaine reject Benjamin? And she runs off with him in the end — the worst message you send to someone who won't take "no" for an answer.