Nothing is more irritating than when a guy* says, "I don't know why you women get all worried over that stuff! I *like* a woman with [insert ANY physical characteristic]."
Nothing is more irritating than when a guy* says, "I don't know why you women get all worried over that stuff! I *like* a woman with [insert ANY physical characteristic]."
Given all the other completely inaccurate statements from men in power on the female reproductive system, you shouldn't be surprised!
Where are the men in all of this?
I don't think she was thinking that far ahead. And I'd LIKE to think she didn't mean to come off as so insulting — oh I'm WAY nicer to strangers than I am to you because we're related and you have to be nice to me.
That's pretty much what I tried to tell him once. I also told him that some people just don't want a relationship period so "...stop watching romcoms and reading Cosmo. Women are not some monolithic group. It's a the utmost double standard you think it's okay to act like this on a date but if women do it, we're…
I don't understand this.
I tried to have this conversation with my sister.
Question: how do you tell someone about some nasty detail that is keeping them perpetually single?
Yes because people who come with drama are totally aware of it. EYE ROLL.
Breast cancer is seen as the "innocent" disease that affects a body part that is critical in a woman's attractiveness.
Is anyone out there NOT aware that breast cancer is a problem? Seriously. I think the awareness part is done.
Disposable. That's very good word.
It sounds like he's in love with being in love. A friend of mine had a similar experience. She even met his entire family, friends, coworkers, etc. Then one day...POOF! That's the only conclusion we could come to because who brings a girlfriend to an event with extended family then vanishes?
I was really hurt for many years after that. I still am, I think. Another friend pissed herself laughing when she heard it. I snapped that I wish she'd be more sensitive to it. She said, "You don't see this now, but's really REALLY funny. A woman married to addict who makes poverty-level wages…
Online dating is awful. I guess dating in general is just terrible.
You'd be surprised. It's not that people are overtly rude.
Did he want to be set up?
Two sides to every story. I've been on a few dates where I saw craptacular behavior*. I was just...done. Finito. End. No more. When the guy would text me back, I figured I'd be rewarding his craptacular behavior with a response. If he can't figure out that it didn't go well, then he's got bigger issues and an…
My mom (born 1938) is routinely horrified at the dating stories my sister and I tell — getting stood up, the slow fade, hearing "I really, REALL like you" one day and "get the hell out of my life" the next, comments about my weight and appearance, open ogling at other women, constantly rescheduling dates, bailing in…