
Don't you know? Only attractive women are liars. They're never smart. That's for the uggos.

HA! My ex told everyone else that he had zero intention of going through with our wedding, and I was probably the last person to know. (When it came time to put down money is what finally made him fess up!) Kind of the opposite of that?

I had a friend who wanted to be surprised with her proposal. She was very specific about it. She wanted it done in a big public place between this month and that month. She wanted her boyfriend to ask her dad for her hand. She wanted a couple of other minor details that I'm forgetting.

Hmmm...okay that's a new one!!!

Yes. He lived/starved through WWII. Interestingly enough though he made sure HE had heat and my brothers' tuition checks didn't bounce so there's that.

These two give my cheapskate father a run for his money. (Mind you we weren't poor. My dad just acted like it. My parents run a successful small business.)

Here are some highlights!

Now playing

You know how Dove is always trying to be all Everyone is Beautiful? They're just as bad as all the others.

Zima is the guy that acts the part of the boyfriend — introduces you to his family, friend, coworkers; talks long-term stuff like trips or going to a wedding; asks you your opinions on how to decorate his apartment; etc. — but then completely disappears on you after a few weeks with zero explanation. AKA the guy who

Yeah that's one thing I don't get. We lived centuries without hormonal birth control, and now we've had it for the last 50 years. Why on earth would anyone want to go back to what we had before?

Why is this news? I thought that the yelling was part of his schtick in the first place. Isn't this why he has a reality show in the first place?

I think she was more horrified that she had to, you know, PRACTICE and do professional singers already do!

Oh I like your idea better! Even if you're having a courthouse wedding with a sheet cake, there are still expenses in the hundreds of dollars.

Correct. In case he ever bailed on her, she'd have something of value so the whole thing wasn't a waste. It's a symbol of his commitment.

Your last sentence pretty much summed up why it worked so well. We didn't try to change each other's minds. And when he counter-argued, he didn't assume I was uninformed or misinformed. He took my points as valid.

I'm a liberal and I've dated both. It's a toss up.

Right. He can want all that, but a feminist he is NOT. By insisting one way is his way (because if it were really about family unity then it wouldn't matter WHOSE last name it was), then yes he's enforcing rules on how another person should conduct her life.

Exactly. I would never advocate, though, using that as a strategy to ask for a raise. "But Tellmethenkillme makes waaaaaaaaay more and we do the saaaaaaaame thing!" It should be based on your productivity and performance. It's more secret knowledge. You know the capacity exists for them to pay you more because


I agree with what the article has to say, and I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with the middle slide. Workers should be allowed to discuss pay with anyone they choose. And yes, women should ask their male counterparts about salary.