

As a blunt person myself, I can tell you that your daughter might lose some friends and coworkers. But the ones that will like her will REALLY like her and trust her and go to her when things get tough. In positions of power, you really only need 2-3 people like that.

Marlo Thomas (I think?) once said that for a man, you have to be Joe McCarthy before you're considered ruthless; for a woman, all you have to do is put a man on hold.

Hilarious bit, but when Republicans are talking about negotiating, they mean on the approps spending and/or debt ceiling limits. Don't know if this was intentional on the Daily Show's part.

Oops double post. Dunno how it happened.

Here's my theory as to why old people get crotchety and sometimes run down people in those motorized wheelchairs: they just don't care.

I'm going to guess that the idea of self-promotion is uncomfortable for you. But you have to do it! Men do it ALL. THE. TIME. The dudebro I was referring to early was really good at it — even when he took credit for what he actually did. He'd subtly work in that he talked with this person or he wrote that memo

WTF? You've got more patience than I do. I'd say, "You are aware that's a fertile ground for an abusive relationship, right?"

Because of the same crap in this article. He's a guy who will do anything ANYTHING I TELL YOU to be with the woman he loves and when he can't exerts revenge for eons.

I heard you're just supposed to keep on talking as though you weren't interrupted.

Heh no. I made sure to use his name a couple of times in that exchange as to call him out.

Heh no. I made sure to use his name a couple of times in that exchange as to call him out.

Good for her, especially for calling it out. This is why I put my name on EVERYTHING at work. And when some dude tried to take credit during a staff meeting, I immediately jumped in with, "Oh, dudebro, sounds like you're referring to my idea."

And those are the people who have the BIGGEST disconnect between what they say they want and what they pursue.

There's an air of desperation with parents if you're single. In my mom's generation, marriage was an indicator of stability and comfort. Now that's not the case, but she doesn't let that narrative go. Only until my crappy relationship was over and my ex had displayed over the top awful behavior would she back away

I told a friend of mine was that the only reason he was attracted to relationships like that is because a healthy relationship would be too boring for him. Yes stability and longevity aren't the stuff movies are made of, but I'd take those over not knowing if the person is going to hug me or burn down my house.

I wouldn't call those years wasted. I got an email out of the blue some years ago from a guy like that. I thought (but never wrote), " are a sign of how far I've come. I'm with someone so drastically different and better that I can't believe I was ever interested in you."

My mom is like that! She called me out for being picky once when I got stood up and refused to contact the guy. I was horrified, and I said, "I'm your daughter, and I don't appreciate the way this guy treated me. Why isn't that enough for you?"

Oh my god. How did I forget that detail?!??!?! I was such an idiot.

OH MY GOD YES! He craps all over her life constantly, but he thinks that one grand gesture erases all of it and BONUS points because he "rescued" her from a mean, angry Other Dude.