
Sadly, I think this narrative plays into real life. Too many of my lady friends think if a guy treats them like shit, eventually that guy will come around and love them. (Note, I have never seen that come to fruition.) When I was in my 20s, I saw that crap ALL THE TIME, and I'm embarrassed to admit I participated

I wondered this too in my original comment. I'm wondering if the Daily Best just enjoys all the hate-reading clicks their website is going to get because of her.

Exactly. She sounds more mad at herself than anything else. I'm guessing she's mad because she's a one hit wonder who didn't have sustaining long-term talent. Either that or she was too lazy to nurture her craft — you know, what PROFESSIONALS have to do.

now fascinated by Ukraine’s culture and history; he's even learning Russian

When I was walking on the street once, a protester came up to me and tried to give me information while another protester was screeching in a bullhorn. I told both of them to get the ever loving hell away from me right in front of a cop. They both left immediately.

Just once I'd like to ask George Clooney, "So you're a pretty attractive dude. But you're special! You're not JUST attractive, but you have talent too! How do you deal with the reactions from people who are puzzled by that?"

That was a fantastic article. And I learned one major thing: interviewing actors is a pain because you either talk about acting or their personal lives. Since they don't develop the content (not usually), you can't talk about the creative process.

Someone asked Hillary Clinton that an interview when she was the Secretary of State. I think she responded, "Would you ask a man that?"

THANK YOU! I was going to refer to this article before, but I couldn't remember the name!

Just once...JUST ONCE...I'd love to hear a reporter ask a male politician/musician/actor/director/doctor/judge/whatever ask the following questions:

No. I don't like it either. Plus "because of the person's employment"??? What's to stop some photographer for saying, "Oh hey I happened to be out in front of this restaurant and I took a lot of pictures and your kid happened to be there!" It's assuming a lot.

Not exactly what you're asking but it's a critique of a celebrity profile. I read this some years ago, and it's the example I was referring to in my original post.

This might help?

I once told an ex (who had a compulsion to be friends friends with EVERY ex) that I wasn't friends with exes who were douchy to me. No exceptions.

I wonder if the fluffy celebrity "profile" has anything to do with this?

And if you're allowed to hate people who hate vegetables, other people (like myself!) are going to judge you for it and your insistence on monitoring what is on other people's plates when it literally has no bearing on your life.

Plus he's right about The Running Man. When I started the Hunger Games, my mind immediately went there.

In one of my political science class, we were discussing Socrates and the Apology. We were supposed to, you know, read the stuff the night before?

Yes it's absolutely amazing that different people all over the world have managed to survive on different diets and still go on living. It's almost as though there's no One Size Fits All solution.

Fun fact. The nerve endings in your ear deliver the messages from your tongue to your brain. They tell you if food tastes good/bad. In children, these nerves are underdeveloped. So if a kid says something tastes bad/bitter/sweet/whatever but it doesn't to you (the adult), you should believe the kid. These nerves