
I have a coworker who literally cannot put hers down when we're out. She's on it even when we're telling stories. She swears she catches things, but she misses out on 50% of the conversation. I refuse to repeat details for her though. Hasn't deterred her!

My parents literally wore themselves out with all that nonsense. They were older when they had us so I guess they were products of their environments. I think they just failed to realize (or have faith) they had pretty decent kids to begin with. But if you talked to my dad back then, he also would have used this

I remember when Blackberries were all the rage. My sister got one for work.

Thanks for the kind words. He didn't really think about things long-term. He often told me he never planned more than six months into the future. I'd assumed when we were talking marriage, living circumstance, job, kids, etc., that he was over it. I guess not. So when he said he wanted out RIGHTTHEFUCKNOW, I

Okay what you said was what I was trying to say.

Please tell me he reimbursed you for lost deposits. Did he ever try to contact you after? Does he know you're getting married*?

That doesn't even make sense!

I got super upset then and over the next several days. He'd basically been lying to me but OH MY GOD he would beg me to stay. He wouldn't tell me whether or not I should cancel vendors. He would call me a bully when I'd get mad or upset whenever wedding-related questions would come up because it was so much


Okay but what you're saying is you want someone to articulate her opinion (regardless if you differ) on things rather than dillydally all the time. I'm a little bit of both. Yeah most times I don't care what we have for dinner.

Thanks for the kind words. The difference with my now-husband is that he was clear and consistent in what he wanted. He never waivered. Instead of my ex who once asked me, "Oh should we move in together? Is that what you want? Is that what I want?"

As someone who was on the receiving end of the "I know I proposed and ask you to move in and promised to marry you and swore I love you, but none of those things are true. I never wanted to be with you so could you move out by tomorrow?" speech, I can tell you there are a lot more people out there like this than we'd

Now that you made me look it up...

No one should collaborate on ANY fashion in North Korea. Ever.

Yes. Sadly.

Fashion plays an important role inThe Hunger Games series and is especially prevalent in Catching Fire, and fans of the franchise will see the film reference in the collection.

Sorry for the snap there but I react that way because of the roots of his long-standing entitlement, which goes back decades.

That's not the point! The point is why on earth would anyone give a person a permanent JOB sight unseen and uninterviewed and unchecked!

My brother didn't finish up grad school til he was in his 30s. Never had a job before then, but I'd been in the workforce for 5 years then. I told him to get in touch with a guy I knew for an informational interview.

But how much of that is because a lot of men would rather remain unemployed that take those jobs?