
But that behavior is...unhealthy!

I couldn't get through the pilot because of that character. I never watched it again.

I'm not saying it's a good moral argument. I'm saying if I were trying to change peoples' behavior and I found out only 1% were listening to me, I'd consider the battle lost and move on. The parishioners are literally NOT listening to them. That 99% figure is kind of...embarrassing.

Do you ever watch Desperate Housewives? I only ever saw one episode with the blonde mean girl and the brunette. This was the only time I laughed in the episode.

Depends on what the compliment is. They can certainly be a weapon.

So do church officials just not care about that 98% figure then? They have to know on some level that the child-bearing age women in their pews may be nodding in all the right spots during Mass, but when they go home, they're utilizing that hormonal BC.

I would also add that if this guy found a woman who did that? He'd probably spend his days moaning and complaining about how his girlfriend is mean and bossy and makes him do things he doesn't like.

Selfishly, part of me wishes that she could be more of an aggressor, someone who would try to convince me to change my mind once. I know it’s not her style, but, selfishly, I wish her actions showed it as much as her words. Maybe she gives up too quickly. Maybe I want someone who’s gonna fight for me.

I can't help but wonder (channeling Carrie Bradshaw here) if network TV is just falling by the wayside because of Showtime, HBO, Netflix original series, and the like.

Can someone explain Two and a Half Men to me? I watched a couple episodes on a plane once. It was okay but I fail to see how it was the highest rated show on TV.

Depends. Look at Queen Latifah's character in Living Single. She was owner? or editor in chief of a major magazine? Her character in the workplace is what I would think a traditional male role is. I could be wrong. Monica as a chef on Friends. I'd even mention Rachel's job too.

Sweet Dee is arrogant, humiliated, insensitive, selfish, and shallow.

It becomes painfully clear that these guys are a mess without her.

Hi ho! 1 of 2 daughters taking care of two elderly parents here.

Here is the image that came to mind when I read this article.

But boundaries work best when you respect them yourself, rather than asking other people to respect your boundaries while you hop merrily back and forth across them, you know?

One element of the problem is celebrity culture. (And I'm SO glad you brought up Jodie Foster because I'll get to her in a second.)

I still don't understand how this guy got this far in life anyway. National Journal had a really good profile of him. It's not just the nasty sexism but also the inability to admit he's wrong, the arrogance, bullying, and just being out of touch.

It's not that we're telling you what to do. If you're literally invading someone's space, then it's a problem. Do I really need to be plastered against the airplane window because you can't stand to have your balls stick to your thighs?